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C H A P T E R 2:
Her spokesman.


They live in a hyper-sexualized culture. Where a man or boy who wants to stay pure, is going to have to fight against constant temptation and lust. Everything from toothpaste commercials to weight loss ads has some sort of sensual spin. As they say, sex sells.

Then there is the rampant immodesty in women's dresses. The mini–shorts, crop tops, leggings worn as pants. Some even dress this way to church too. Popular TV shows filled with graphic sex and celebrities dress in see-through clothing. That is- when they aren't releasing nude
photos of themselves.

Now, these temptations are so powerful because it involves sight- one of the most potent of senses, especially for men. What's seen becomes etched into the memory and one can never truly unsee anything.

Additionally, people's sight has a powerful connection to what they want. Radio ads will never be as effective as TV ads because hearing isn't as strong as sight. In other words, one could sin with their eyes. Laye was aware of that. He also was familiar with the Bible quote that says, "if your eyes offend you, pluck it out." He didn’t want to pluck it out, his eyes were too precious for that. So, he spun around and slammed the door shut.

"Laye!" his mother shouted from the dinning.

The way he had slammed the door, had caused the door hinges to shake.

"Yemi! What is going on there? Do you guys want to destroy my house?"

Laye huffed before looking at the sign of the cross. He could go back to the dining room and tell them he couldn't wake Yemi up but he decided against it. His mother was already frustrated as is. He peeked inside the room again to see if Yemi had jolted upon hearing the loud bang. But to his disappointment instead of her waking up, she had rolled to the end side of the bed.

Thus, the only good thing about the shift was that her legs were no longer open. She had placed her left leg atop the other which means he wouldn't have to see her underpants again. He sighed in relief. Laye got into the room, his thoughts still lingering on earlier.

He took some time to study Yemi's face, wondering how someone as black as she was, could look so pretty. He
didn't care about admiring how beautiful she looked. It's impossible to lust after someone's face.

"Laye!" Kesi's shout pulled him out of his thoughts.

He wondered for how long she had to continue shouting before her voice cracks. He tapped Yemi on her arm; gentle at first, then a bit harsh. She groaned and half-opened her eyes with reluctance.

Finally, he thought.

There was a blurry face looking down at her. She wanted it to go away. Closing her eyes, she sunk her head into a soft pillow. Then, it hit her. Her eyes flew open and she jumped up from the bed. Her sudden movement, shocking Laye.

She was sleeping in a room with a bed and pillow in it. It had a window that allows daylight and breeze into the room. It felt surreal at first until her eyes met with the ones of the young boy who was also looking at her.


The scream was loud enough to disrupt their staring competition.

"Uhm. You should always lock your room for privacy reasons." Laye found his voice first.

She only nodded, making him wonder if she understands English.

"Mummy is calling yo—" He was informing her before his mother's scream interrupted
him again. It was getting annoying.

"Laye! What are you children still doing in there?" She asked.

"We’re coming!" He shouted back. Although he knew his voice wasn't loud enough to reach the dining.

He sighed and turned back to Yemi. She was still standing on top of her bed, looking at him like she had seen a bizarre creature.

"Let's go before someone pulls out her hair in frustration." He told her, heading out first.

She smiled following him, even if she didn't understand what he meant by that.

"Here they come," Bubo announced when they appeared from the hallway. "Took them
forever." She added.

They took their seats. Yemi sat between Laye and Nimis, while Bubo next to their mother.

"So let's pray." Kesi offered and they all bowed their heads while she prayed.

As they were about to pick up their spoons and eat their Jollof rice, Nimis scrunched up his nose in disgust. "What's that smell?"

Everyone turned to their sides searching for the fume.

"Oh my God!" Nimis exclaimed in realization.

"What is it?" his mother asked.

"Yemi. Yemi stinks." He pointed at her.

"How can you say that?" Laye asked with a disbelieving tone.

"Is your nose blocked? Can't you smell again?" asked, Nimis.

"Maybe your nose needs reconstruction. Or you should disinfect it until you can smell
again.." Laye fired back.

"I'll slap you." Nimis raised his hand to hit Laye across his cheeks but Kesi caught his hand halfway from Laye's face.

"Stop it. Drop your hand or else!" She warned.

Nimis’ shoulders slumped. He felt defeated and gave in.

"Good. Now the both of you boys better behave yourselves. I don't want to repeat myself."

When they all remained quiet, she turned to Yemi and asked, "Have you taken your

Yemi nodded sideways indicating a "no."

Spoons clinked on plates and the table shook. Both Nimis and Bubo stood up at the same time as if they had planned it together. They plugged their nose with their hands. Bubo fanned the front of her face with her free hand and Nimis did the same.

"Hmmm.. Disgusting." Bubo said.

Kesi, Laye, and Yemi watched them with surprise. They were exaggerating the whole thing.

"Will both of you sit down this instant and eat?" Kesi asked, her anger rising.

"No," Nimis stated outright. "I've lost my appetite."

He walked out. His mother, shouting after him.

"Will you come back here?" She called back but he ignored her.

"Nimis!" She yelled, her veins popping out of her forehead and neck.

She made to stand up from her seat after removing her slippers. She had in mind to go to Nimis’ room and spank him till he becomes obedient but, Laye held her wrist, stopping her. His soft eyes, asking her to stay calm and forgive his seventeen-year-old older brother. She obliged

"These children won't kill me." She said, sitting down. "I did not kill my mother. No child in this house should kill me before my time. I’m still too young to die."

With a frown marred on her face, she looked up at Bubo who was still standing. She turned her anger to her. "Why are you still standing? Do you want to sit down and eat or join Nimis?"

Being the food addict that she was, Bubo had no choice but to comply. As she took her seat, she sent Yemi a glower.

"Now let's eat in peace," Kesi advised.

They all took their spoons to eat except Yemi who used her bare hand instead. Everyone looked at her. Shock written on their faces.

"You eat with your hands?" Laye asked with curiosity.

Yemi gave a nod like that of a lizard.

Bubo scrunched up her nose in revolt. "How disgusting." She said.

Kesi sighed as her phone rang restraining her from saying something. She didn't need to
look at the dialer to check who it was, it was him. She's supposed to have dinner with him, but she didn't want to. But her kids weren't making it comfortable for her to eat here.

"I'm going out." She announced, standing up from her seat. She collected the red handbag that was sitting on the vacant chair beside her. "I should be back before your Dad returns. Make sure the youngest amongst you washes the dishes and no argument. I repeat no argument."

"Yes, mom." Bubo and Laye replied together.

"Lock the doors and check all the windows to make sure they are closed. You don't want
mosquitoes feasting on your bodies tonight do you?"

No one replied. They didn't see a reason to.

"And Yemi, please... Make sure you take your bath before you go to bed. Okay?"

Yemi nodded in reply with a smile.

"Good." Kesi smiled at them. "now I'm off. Take care."

They watched their mother exit the door with hasty steps.

"Dirty girl." Bubo cussed.

"Who are you calling a dirty girl?" Laye asked, annoyed.

"Yemi, of course."

"And why would you insult her? Must you always be rude like Nimis? Is it how your mother trained you?" He asked.

"Leave my mom and Nimis out of this! They’re not here so why involve them? And are you her spokesman? You are always trying to defend her, can't she speak for herself? Is she deaf?"

"Bubo stop it. What is your problem?" He asked. His voice high, matching hers.

"Who uses their hands to eat in this modern life?" She asked, widening her eyes.

"So that’s your problem?" She didn't answer.

He dropped his spoon and gave Yemi a nod with a smirk on his lips. Yemi seemed to understand his gesture. Bubo watched with horror as they both ate with their hands. She couldn’t take it any longer. She stomped her feet in the other direction, walking to her room.

She remembered her plate of delicious Jollof rice she left behind and spun back around to the table to grab it.

"Pigs." She hissed.

That only made Laye and Yemi burst out into laughter.

Yemi joyfully forgot all the
weight tied to her heart. With someone like Laye by her side, she was going to love her stay here.


This chapter is dedicated to Donaldprince for making wonderful covers for me. including this chapter's cover. Thanks dear.

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