Broken hearts and scars

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TW: okay so this chapter has mentions of abuse,there is cussing,mentions of suicidal thoughts and actions,cutting in memorys,and a lot of crying)

(Patton's POV)
Logan and I stood up as the train came to the station. We got on and I followed him at a different car and sat in a buth across from each other. I was looking outside when he spoke up,startling me a little bit. "Patton,talk about yourself. I want to learn more about you." He then grabbed my hand and I ripped away from him in complete fear. He looked at me in concern. "Patton,whats wrong? You know I would never hurt you right?" I looked at him trying to hold back my tears,failing. "Patton,please tell me no one has hurt you before." I stood up and sat next to him crying into his coat. He wrapped his arms around me which I tensed up at but relaxed into it. I could hear Logan crying with me and I looked up to see he was staring down at me. "L-Logan? Wh-why are you crying?" He put our foreheads together as he looked into my eyes from our position. As he looked into my eyes tears were pouring out of his eyes. "Because Patton,I would never want another person to be hurt by someone else like I was." I looked at him with a confused look then he continued,pulling away from my forehead but pulling me into his lap. I snuggled into him before he spoke then he looked out at the moving space outside in the dim lighting. "Patton........I-I ..... I didn't have a good childhood....... I was beaten by my older brother,my younger sister would call me terrible names,my mother and father hated me because I am gay....... And my first boyfriend.....he was abusive........and manipulate....... I would never wish for someone else to go through such a terrible thing but you did Patton...... I want you to know I would never do anything to hurt you because I dont want people to get hurt like I did......" He looked at me and he was crying so much he face was covered in water. "L-l-logan? A-are you o-okay.....?" I started tearing up because I could relate. My parents hate me,my siblings hate me,my roommate seduced me,I cut myself because of it which made things wrose. "Y-yeah,Im fine. But,are you okay?" I looked down and snuggled closer to him. "N-n-no....... I-i'm n-n-not....."

(Logan's POV)

"I-i'm n-n-not...." I looked down at Patton. He was snuggled into my chest in my lap. I really got a look at what he was wearing and I realized really how tiny he was. He was wearing a baby blue sweater with cats,dogs, hearts,stars,and snow flakes. It had long sleeves that had a slit in them so you could put your thumb through so the fabric wouldn't fall off your arms. Patton didn't have his thumbs in the slits and his sleeve was a little roled up on one arm,which Patton noticed and pulled it down. I saw a little bit of his arm and saw his arm was stained a blood red and there were a few scars under the staining. I grab his arm and pulled up the sleeve. "L-logan! N-n-no! Please s-s-stop!" I didn't listen to him,I pulled his sleeve all the way. His entire arm was that blood red colour and under that was a layer of many cuts. I looked him in the eyes. His face was pale,his eyes were dull and were about to spill tears. He threw his other arm out and gave me a nod. I roled up his other sleeve to see the same thing. I grabbed his arms and kissed them,then got a cloth out of my pocket and brought Patton to the bathroom. We went in and I got the cloth wet with cold water and a tiny bit of soap. I ringed out the cloth until it was only damp. I turned back to Patton and grabbed his right arm. I put the cloth down and gently started rubbing on the skin to get the blood colour off. I started from his elbow and went down to his wrist,the whole time telling him its okay and that he's safe with me. He was crying and I could feel him shaking,I stopped and looked at him. I went in and I kissed him on the cheek. "It's okay Patton,I would never hurt you in anyway. O can help you with this in a little bit but you need to calm down. Now,I'll get back to cleaning your arms." I then kissed his noes and went back to work. He was pure red and I giggled while cleaning his arm. I rinsed the cloth when Patton came and hugged me from behind. "L-logan?" I moved to face him,not separating us from the hug. "Yes Patton?" He looked up at me and giggled. I felt a small smile appear on my face. He snuggled into my chest and kept giggling. "What you giggling at Patt?" He looked to the side and giggled some more. "Im giggling because the cloth was trickling me." I picked up his chin and pulled his head gently to not hurt him so he was facing me. "I can tickle you Patt-",then I started to tickle his sides and he burst out into laughter. I started giggling myself at seeing him laugh. I stopped after a while so he could breath. I grabbed his other arm while he was still giggling and started cleaning that one. After I finished cleaning his arms and rang water through my cloth until it was back to the dark blue colour it was before. I put my cloth back in my pocket and grabbed Patton's arms and kissed them at the wrist. I pulled him out of the bathroom and back to our seat. I grabbed my backpack and pulled out my bandages I carry with me. I turned to Patton and grabbed his arms and wrapped them up,the entire time he was giggling. I finished and pulled him into a tight hug and I felt him snuggle closer. I kissed his hair and started playing with his hair with one hand while the other was wrapped around his back. "You mind telling me your background Patton? If not thats fine but you would have to at some point,we are soulmates after all." I moved so that he was looking at me giggling because I still had my hand in his fluffy soft hair. I took my hand away and I knew I was a bright shade of red because of how much the smaller man was giggling. "You can start when your ready Patton,I am in no rush." He smiled then looked down at his hands and he sighed then started to speak. "Well, it all started when I was eight. I came home and told mama that I had my first crush. She was happy at first and asked me what the girl looked like. I looked down and muttered it was a boy. She asked me what I said so I said it was a boy and she looked at me like I just killed our puppy infront of her. She called for pappa and he wasn't happy..... He came in with his belt and told me to repeat what I said. I begged him not to do it and I ran down the stairs and ran outside. The entire way he was following me until I was outside hiding behind a very nice lady. She saw me run outside and told me she heard everything from the window up above and that she called the police. She told me she was the mom of my best friend Remy,she told me to get behind her and that I was safe with her. Well,pappa came out and saw the lady, he asked who she was. She said her name was Rea and she was Remy and Virgil's mom. Pappa came closer but the lady stepped infront of me. Pappa slapped the woman and I screamed,pappa took this time to grab me by my hair. The lady grabed me by the chest and pulled me out of his hands. She then pulled me into her chest and ran away from pappa with me in her arms crying......" He took a break and started crying again. "She brought me to her house a few blocks away. She opened the door and her children came to the door with happy faces at first but once they saw the sight they turned into concern. Rea put me down on the couch and locked the door then came back and hugged me while I cried. I saw Remy out of the corner of my eye,he was snuggled into his twin brother,Virgil's,chest crying as while. The twins came over and joined in the hug. Rea took her kids and put all of us on the couch as she was going to make dinner when the door bell rang. I shrank in fear and she went to the door. I heard a fimilar voice and jumped up and ran to the door. I was so happy to see my aunt,Jasmine. She looked down and saw me,she squealed and pulled me into a tight hug. She came in with me in her arms still and sat down on the couch,not letting go of me. Apparently,Rea and my aunt were high school sweethearts and they were soulmates." He looked at me with a small smile then continued. "Mamma and pappa never wanted Jasmine over because she would give me the disease that she had,being gay. But I didn't care and nether did she. She would come on my birthday and on Christmas every year and I wouldn't leave her side. She told me about how she went many places because grandma kicked her out for being gay. She lived with her girlfriend,Rea,after she was kicked out. She worked with animals and would let me pet some of the puppies at the pet store when someone needed to babysit me. She was the only person that actually cared about me and she loved me so much. She told me everything was okay because they would take care of me. I calmed down when there was a lot knock on the door. I snuggled into Jasmine in fear and Rea went to the door. I heard the voices of momma,pappa,my two older brothers and my older twin sisters. Jasmine spoke up and told the to....... eh well told them to.......frick off but not frick..... I heard Rea scream and heard a thud then I saw my family walk into the living room and started at me. Jasmine pulled me closer as Jack came over to her. Jack knelt down and poked at me,I squeaked because I though it was my other brother Pete. He pulled me so I was facing him. I went wide eyed and smiled at him. He wrapped his arms around Jasmine and I. I saw pappa's face grow red as he looked at Jack. He spoke,'oh so your a disgraceful gay basterd to? Huh Jack!? You were supposed to be straight so then we wouldn't have so many gays in this damn family!' I saw my twin sisters giving me a glare and I saw Pete doing the same. Momma was looking at Jack with disgust. Nobody noticed that Rea was up and calling the police as she crawled into the kitchen so no one could hear her. Jack and Jasmine pulled me close to them as pappa came closer. 'Oh Patton,whats wrong? You scared like the little bastard you are? Why did you have a crush on another boy? You know you are to like women if you male and like men only if your female. Your lucky we accepted you when you said you were male instead of female Jack.' He looked at Jack and I could feel the hatred radiate off of Jack. Jasmine knew what was coming next because she threw me into Jack's arms and ran at poppa that grabbed his belt and started slapping it on his hand. Jazzy pushed pappa to the ground and the Rea's twins wrapped around Jack and I as we watched everyone surround Jazzy. Then some men came running in. My family turned around and saw mabey 7 police officers. The men grabbed all of them except Jazzy. There was one officer left and he came over to me,Jack,and Jasmine. I was buried into my brothers chest,shaking and crying. He tapped me on the shoulder and I yipped in fear at the touch. 'Hey,hey buddy,its okay. I won't hurt you. Im one of the good guys. I have to ask you some things about your dad and mom and other brother and sisters,okay? Do you think you could do that for me?' I looked up at him,tears streaming down my face and nodded. He asked me if the have ever hurt me before now,I said yes. They asked me if any of my siblings besides jack have hurt me physically,I said yes again." He looked up at me again and came in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him in tight. I looked out the window and realized we were almost at the next station,my stop. "Hey Patton,do you get off at the next spot? Because I do and I dont know if you wa-" he cut me off. "Yeah,I get off next. Can I,um,stay with you? My habit will just get worse being alone with my roommate Deceit. And he's a little,subdivide...." I looked down at him and kissed his hair making him giggle. "I-its okay Patton,you can stay with me and my roommate thats your old friend,Remy." I chuckled and he brightened up and he smiled ear to ear. "W-w-what!? Your roommates with RemRem!?" I giggled and nodded. He hugged me tighter and it was getting harder to breath. He let go when we came to a stop. I grabbed my backpack and grabbed Patton's hand. Then we got off the train and started torwads the exit and on to the long walk ahead of us.

2472 words
Your welcome for this and Im so glad Im having fun with this and Im proud of it because honestly,Im never really proud of anything I do. I hope you guys like it and Im going to continue to write this and you might just get another part today or tomorrow wink wink 😉. But have a good day/afternoon/night,I love all of you. Love Dad/Pat-pat,love you kiddos,talk to y'all later 💙💙💙

In the crystal eyes. (Logicality Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now