a long walk

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Okay so Im writing again and I'm sorry if things get really really REALLY dark. Everything isn't the best in my head right now so,sorry. But enough about me,lets get on with the story.
(TW:same as the last chapter,and a little kid being kicked out.)

(Patton's POV)

Im so happy that I meet Logan. He isn't mad at me for cutting,in fact he helped me clean them and told me everything is fine. He hasn't hit me,wanted anything from me except to be happy and safe,he's caring and not subdivide or manipulative. He dragged me out of the train station quickly because there were a lot of people and he knows what happens when Im around people. He lead me to the sidewalk and pointed to the way we are going,I followed close behind him. "So......Patton? Do you mind continuing your story? You dont have to if you dont want to." I looked around for a while before answering him. "Its so pretty here and I can continue....wait..... Whats that noise?" I listened closely,it was a kid crying. "This way." I pulled Logan and we headed towards the crying children. We made it to the near by park and I saw the kid crying. A little child,about 12-13. They were on the bench,which was covered in snow and wearing some leggings and a winter jacket. I ran over to the kid and nelt down so they could see my face. "W-w-who are y-you?" They had tears streaming down their face. "Hey there kiddo,Im Patton and I heard you crying and I was worried if anything was wrong. What should I call you,what are your pronouns,and whats wrong? And where is your family?" The kid eased up a little bit and looked at Logan and I. "Oh sorry,this is Logan. He's my soulmate." Logan smiled and gave a small wave. The kid smiled and jumped into my arms. "Your gay too!?" I wrapped my hands around them and giggled. "Yes I am kiddo,you mind telling me the answers to what I asked not to long ago?" They chuckled and got up,then they ran up to Logan and toppled him to the ground from the hug. I giggled and walked over to the kid. The child got up and sat on the sidewalk with Logan and I. "Hello,I want to be called Pebbles but my real name is Penny. I am a boy and want to go by he/him but I'm told I'm female. I'm gay and trans and I was just kicked out of my house because of that and for something else......" I looked at the boy, he was looking down at his lap with new tears about to spill out of his eyes. I sprinted to his side and pulled him into a hug. "Oh kiddo,its okay. Youre a boy,dont listen to what anyone else says Pebble...." The boy looked up and smiled at me and I felt joy rush though my body. Logan went to his other side and hugged him as well. The kid pulled us closer and cried into us when a couple with a little boy came over to us. "Penny! What are you doing with those strangers!? Get the fuck over here now missy!!" I looked down at Pebble and knew these were his parents. "We are not strangers if HE knows our names. And its Pebble,not Penny and its he/him/his/mister not missy!" I got up and turned to look at his father. He was an exact copy of my father,chubby,had no facial hair,and he overall looked like a jerk and a terrible person. "What did you say to me boy?" I looked down at the little boy who was next to his mother. I knelt down and looked at him,he smiled and I waved. "Hey kiddo,can I ask you something?" I said with a smile and he nodded and giggled. "Okay well my question is,do you have an older brother or sister?" The kid giggled and ran to Pebble and hugged him while screaming,"AN OLDER BROWFER!!" I looked over at them and started giggling. I stood up but then was pinned to the wall next to us. I squeaked at the older male. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING KID! YOU DONT TALK BACK TO ME OR MY FAMILY! OH WAIT,ARE YOU ONE OF THOSE GAY BASTERDS LIKE MY LITTLE GIRL OVER THERE!?" I was so scared and my sleeves started falling down and you could see my bandages. "Oh,you are a useless person too? You're not strong enough to realize life sucks so you cut into your skin to make things better huh? Well guess what! Life sucks but you dont see everyone cutting there fucking wrist because they dont feel happy now do you!?" I started crying in fear then he slapped me in the face and hard. "Answer me when I talk to you boy!" Thats when Logan came over and pulled the man away from me. I just sunk to the ground with the two children in my arms and cried at the pain from the slap.

(Logan's POV)

That was the last straw,I grabbed the man,pulled him away from Patton,and threw him back into his wife. "Oh,are you other bastards boyfriend? Filth." I glared at him and looked over at Patton and the other children all crying. "I am that boys boyfriend sir,and we are not bastards or filth so thank you but those are not facts." He chuckled. "They are facts because I say they are." I couldn't help myself,I was to angry and screamed at him. "FALSEHOOD!! WE ARE ALL AMAZING AND WONDERFUL PEOPLE!! THE ONLY ONE OR ONES HERE THAT ARE FILTH ARE YOU AND MABEY YOUR WIFE IF SHE AGREED TO KICK OUT HER SON BECAUSE HE TRANS,GAY,AND BY WHAT I HAVE COLLECTED,CUTS HIMSELF!!!" I looked at the shocked couple and walked away to Patton and the children,on the way I said,"Oh,and since you kicked out this boy we can adopt him so he's ours now. I claim him as my own. No refunds. And the little boy can choose who to go with." I walked over to the kid with a smug smile on my face at the couple. "Hey little one,whats your name?" I knelt down at his level and smiled. "Hi! Im Isac! Im not a boy or giwl and I like everyone!" I smiled as I looked at the other man and his very shocked wife. They both fainted and I chuckled and turned back to the little girl. "Okay sweetie,do you want to come with me,Patton,and Pebble or do you want to go back home with mother and father?" The little girl looked around at all of us and giggled. "I want my browfer and new daddas!" I looked at Patton,he had a big bruise from where the man hit him. "PATTON!? ARE YOU OKAY!? YOU HAVE A BRUISE!!" He looked at me and started crying into my chest. The other two kids came and hugged Patton and I as well and I started tearing up.

(Patton's POV)

I started crying and Logan and the kids came and hugged me. Logan said I had a bruise and I could feel it. I just kept crying and crying from the pain and from what the man had screamed at me and the thoughts started coming back. I wanted to cut so badly but I couldn't. I felt everyone let go of me and stand up while I curled into a ball on the ground and sobbed into my legs. "P-p-patton? Is everyfing okay?" I stayed silent and cried harder. "Patton.....Patton? Whats wrong?" I still was silent and cried more and more when I felt a hand go ob my shoulder. "Patton,whats wrong honey?" I kept shaking as the voices came into play. He hates you. Hes not concerned. Hes like your roommate. Cut your arms and wrist until you bleed so much your gone forever. No one loves you. Everyone here hates you. Your father will find you again and do the same thing as the other man. "PATTON!" I snapped up and saw Logan right infront of me with tears down his eyes as he looked down at my arms. Somehow I had ripped off the bandages and had scratched at all the cuts,making them bleed again. I looked over at Pebble and Isac and started crying more at the sight of them huddled behind Logan crying and hugging each other tight. "Patton,whats going on in here?" He tapped my head as he said here. I looked down at my arms and made a slashing motion many times to show cutting. Logan nodded and picked me up in a hug,bridle style. "Its going to be okay Patton,everythings okay. Lets go get you cleaned up again and then go home with Pebble and Isac. Okay?" He kissed my forehead and I nodded. He put me on my feet and we started towards a store with a bathroom.

So sorry to end abruptly,I had some predicaments and cant think of anything. Also,dieing of headache and I think Im getting sick so yeah. Sorry again kiddos,I'll do more in a little bit,mabey later but love you kiddos 💙💙💙💙

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