well then....

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Im so sick and sleep diprived and everything hurts but I have an idea so I will just have to suffer I guess and same stuff as always.Also,there will be some super super SUPER sad stuff in this one sooo.💙💙

(Patton's POV)

Logan hopped into the car on the drivers side and frantically started the car as his hand bleed. I grabbed his hand that was okay and he jumped. "Hey hey hey,Logie,its okay. Its just me. Just Patton. Let me see your hand for a second..." He nodded and I got a good look at his hand. It was slashed down the middle,from where his thumb was attached to his hand,all the way across his plam,and to the end of his hand in the palm area. I looked closer and the slash was deep,as deep as my cuts... "Come on Patton,I should start driving! Th-the hospital is far away!" I looked at him and saw all the panic in his eyes. I handed him one of my blankets and wrapped it around his shoulders and kissed his cheek. "There. Now you can drive. Let's get there and get you all better..." I smiled a little smile and Logan did the same as we drove to the hospital,listening to more of my favorite songs.


(Logan's POV)

I was so scared because of how deep the cut was. I hopped out of the car with Patton and we walked into the hospital and went to the front desk where we were met with a man with crazy hair in every direction,a small thin mustache,wearing a black and green hoodie that said,"Wicked" on it. We walked up to the desk and look at the man typing away. After a few moments he looked at Patton and I and spoke. "Hello there dorks! See that. I called you whale penises before I even know who you are!" He started laughing and I growled loudly by accident. But it made him stop. "U-um....what do you need kind sir?" I looked down at the small male and lifted up my hand with the cut on it. "Oh my,*picks up phone and dials a room number*. Yes,someone came in with a major cut in his left hand and its deep. Can you come down and get him and his...*looks at us*" "Soulmate!" Patton exclaimed happily. The man smiled and continued. "Get him and his soulmate?......Okay,I'll tell them right now. *hangs up phone*. You will just have to wait over there in the resting spot for a few minutes okay sirs?" Patton and I nodded and went over to the area. I sat down on one of the chairs and Patton just stood staring at me. I gave him a smirk and patted my lap. He blushed and looked from my hand to my face and back again. "H-how did you kn-know I wanted to sit on your lap...?" I stood up and grabbed him and placed him in my lap when I sat down again,giggling at his little squeaks he made when I did such action. I looked down at him and gave a small smile to him. He smiled back and I leaned down to kiss his nose. He giggled and squirmed as I tickled him a little bit as well. "Hahahaha- L-Logie-! Hehehe-!" He exclaimed happily. I stopped and pulled him up a little bit and hugged him close. He hugged back and nuzzled his head into my neck. "Baby...not here...wait until we get home~" The smaller man stopped and I could feel his face blushing because my neck started to get warmer where his face was. "S-sorry...d-daddy..." He says and looks down. "It's okay, baby. Just wait for the end of all this hell-" "WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY!?!?" A man came running in through the doors, shouting and holding a knife. "WHERE IS HE!?!? WHERE IS HIS BASTARD OF A BOYFRIEND TOO!?!?!" Patton started shaking, like he knew the man. I knew I shouldn't speak so I just pulled him closer.

(Patton's POV)

I knew who that was....it was father. Oh god, I know he's looking for me. I can't have him hurt me or Logan. I have to keep him safe. "THERE YOU ARE YOU BASTARD!!" He came over to Logan and I and pulled me off his lap and threw me into the wall. I shrieked in pain and he laughed darkly. I started crying and he came over and pulled me up by the hair hard. "Listen to me now boy." He said in a dangerously low voice that sent shivers up my spine. "I heard you have a boyfriend. Guess what? I don't know how you did it. I mean, just look at you, all sad and lonely and such a disappointment. How could anyone love you?" He says as he smiled down and me while I sobbed and curled into a ball. Next thing I know, I feel something stab me in the side, it was his knife. I knew it was, I had felt it before... It started to bleed and that area got warmer as the blood poured out. "L-Logan...." I whispered before passing out.

(Logan's POV)

I grabbed the man after hearing what he said to Patton and threw him the other way. He ran and stabbed Patton with his knife and ran back at me. I pushed him off and into a chair when some men came out and took the man away. I sighed in relief when I heard something that scared me to death. "L-Logan..." Patton said in a small and raspy voice. I ran over and pulled him into my lap when another doctor came out. "Where's Logan and his soulmate?" I raised my hand. "O-over here sir. And please, he's bleeding too..." He came over and told me to follow him. I did and we got to a room where Patton was taken away from me. I protested and cried but they said, "He just needs an operation to be done.." I got some stitches in my hand and it got bandaged up. I sat and watched my lap as I cried because I was away from Patton.

~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~

I guess I passed out because I woke up at 4 AM and looked around. I saw that there was someone else there, it was Patton. I ran to his side and hugged him. He giggled and hugged back. I attacked his face with kisses. He grabbed my jaw so I would look at him. He was smiling lightly, with some lust in those precious eyes I live for. He pulled me down into a heated kiss and licked my bottom lip, so I opened. He explored my mouth as I moaned into his. He smirked and chuckled darkly as he pulled away. "I'm supposed to be the top honey..." I said from a little submissive state. He chuckled and hugged me. "I know, it's just a tease~" I looked at him and hugged him tightly. "I missed you..." I said as I burried my face into his chest. He messed with my hair a little bit and kissed my forehead. "I'm here now, Logie..I'm here now.." I smiled and left his side and earned a whine. "It's okay, honey. We just have to wait for you to get better, then we can go home and cuddle all you want." 

(Patton's POV)

I woke up to a very scared Logan. I called him over and gave him a long hug.


In the crystal eyes. (Logicality Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now