Part 4

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So the day has gone by pretty fast actually. I like all my classes and my professors, so that's good. I'm walking to my last class of the day and I'm really excited because it's English Literature. I also got another coffee because for some reason I've been really tired today and because I just wanted another one. But right now I'm walking to my class and texting my dad. He's been checking in all day to make sure I was okay and I guess my mom stopped by at the house today. You'd think that would be a good thing but it's not. I've cut her out of my life and so has my dad pretty much. When she does visit the house my dad will answer the door but will tell her to leave right away. When I was about six or seven she started drinking a lot and my dad was always at work and she started to get very abusive. It started out verbally like she would tell me that I was a mistake or she wished that I was never born and that I would die. But as days went on it started to get worse. She would physically abuse me, but only when my dad wasn't home. And when he was she would treat me like the best person in the world. I still have scars from her. I have one that goes across my thigh when she threw a whiskey bottle at me. That's my biggest one, but all the other ones are small and they have faded away over the years. But when my dad found out what was happening he packed up all of our stuff and took me away from her. And "supposedly" she's sober now and she's changed, but I don't believe her. She's still demanding and controlling every time I hear her voice. But every since my dad took me away I haven't spoken more than ten words to her and I'm fine with that because I would take a loving father any day then a mother that pretends to love you. But my thoughts are interrupted by someone bumping into me and my coffee going down the front of my hoodie.

I gasp as I feel the cold liquid soak through my clothes.

"Oh my god! Watch where you're going next time!", I hear this high pitched voice say to me. I look up at her and I see it was that girl who was all over that boy the other night. She has this really short skirt on with a shirt that exposes her whole chest pretty much and she has way too much makeup on.

"You could've ruined my clothes you slob.", she says to me in disgust. By now everyone is looking at the scene that is going on right now.

"I-I'm sor-", I try to say but she interrupts me,

"Save it! Watch where you're going next time or you'll be paying hundreds of dollars to replace my clothes.", she snaps and pushes past me with her heels clicking on the concrete. I stand there in shock and I know I'm embarrassing myself more by just standing here. But I feel someone wrap their arm around my shoulders and guide me away from the crowd. I walk with my head down as we push through the group of people. He brings me to the women's bathroom and we stop outside.

"I-I thank you...", I say and I finally look up at him. He has brown curly hair with blue eyes and I recognize him from some of my classes.

"No, no it's fine. Just take my hoodie and change out of that.", he says and takes his hoodie off. He is left in a plain white tee and he hands his hoodie towards me.

"No, I can't.", I tell him,

"Just take it.", he says to me. I stand there for a while until I finally give in and take the hoodie from him. I thank him quietly and walk into the bathroom to change.

It's big on me, but it's comfy. I decide to just carry my hoodie because I only have one more class left and I'll be able to wash it later. I walk out to see him leaning against the wall outside the bathroom.

"Thanks. I'll give it back to you tomorrow.", I say quietly,

"No, it's okay. What class do you have next?", he asks me,

"English literature.", I tell him,

"Me too! We have about 5 minutes to make it there. So why don't we just walk together.", he tells me and smiles,

"Okay.", I say and I start walking with him towards our class,

"I'm Jack by the way.", he tells me,

"I'm Y/n.", I say and he smiles at me and we continue walking towards our class,

"Y/n!", I hear someone yell behind me and I turn my head quickly. 

I see Lily with the same group of friends from the other night and she waves at me. I wave back and smile at her. I look next to her to see that same boy staring at me, but this time the girl I just bumped into isn't on top of him. I get a little uncomfortable and look away. I continue walking with Jack and make a little conversation with him.

𝑰𝒏𝒕𝒐𝒙𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 - 𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 {𝟏} (𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now