Part 34

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"I don't wanna leave.", Cassidy says to me and Lily,

"Me neither, we could always come back though.", I say as I put the last of my clothes in my duffle bag,

"But it's so nice here, and I don't want to go to my classes tomorrow.", she says,

"We could always just skip.", Lily suggests,

"Lily you've skipped so many days because of the parties you go to and I can't, my first day is tomorrow for my internship.", I say happily and zip up my bag,

"Oh my god yeah! Are you excited?", she asks,

"Yes, but I'm also nervous.", I say,

"Aw doesn't be, you'll do great. What are you wearing?", Cassidy asks,

"That's the thing I don't know because Nicole just wears some dress pants and a blouse and Cameron was just wearing a gray dress shirt with some black dress pants too. I don't want to overdress.", I say and sit down on the bed next to them,

"Just wear one of the pencil skirts and a blouse we bought the other day.", Lily says,

"Yeah, I guess.", I say,

"Guys are you ready?! We are ready to leave!", Jack yells from downstairs,

"Yes, we're coming!", Lily yells back,

"We should probably go.", Cassidy says. We all grab our bags and head downstairs. Everyone is downstairs waiting at the front door,

"Finally.", Troy groans when he sees us coming down the stairs and all three of us glare at him,

"Okay do we got everything?", Jack asks and we all say yes,

"Is the stove off?", I ask,

"Y/n we didn't even use it.", Jack says,

"Yeah I know, it's just a pet peeve of mine.", I say and set my bag down,

"We're never gonna leave.", I hear Allison whine behind me as I walk away,

"You can leave whenever you want. Remember you drove yourself here, so why don't you quit your complaining and leave.", Tom says and I smile at his remark. I quickly go into the kitchen and check to see if the stove is off and it is as I expected. Before I go back to everyone I take a quick scan around the house to make sure everything is cleaned up. I walk back to the front door and see Allison still standing there with her arms crossed,

"Ready?", Jack asks and I nod my head. We all pile out of the house and I close the door behind me,

"Y/n give me your bag, I'll put it in the trunk.", Troy says and I walk over to him and give it to him,

"Actually she's riding with me.", Tom says and we all look at him confused,

"What do you mean?", I question him as he walks up to me and Troy,

"I'm taking you back to your dorm.", he says and holds out his hand so Troy can give him my bag,

"Tom she's fine riding with us.", Lily budges in and comes next to me. He looks at me for my answer and I stand there not knowing what to do,

"Y/n?", Lily says,

"It's fine, I'll go with him.", I say,

"You don't have to.", she says,

"It's okay.", I say and give her a reassuring smile. She looks at me for a second before sighing,

"Fine, call me if you need me.", she says and I nod my head. She gives me a hug and Troy gives my bag to Tom hesitantly. I start to go over to Tom, but Troy grabs my wrist,

𝑰𝒏𝒕𝒐𝒙𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 - 𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 {𝟏} (𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now