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Things you'll need:
Y/N - your name

"How's your first day at highschool going sis!?" Asked Laurence for the third time on our walk to school, we had just rounded the last corner.
"We still haven't even got to the school yet."  I replied.
"I know, I guess I'm just nervous, I really want you to enjoy it here!" Laurence said.
"Aww, would a hug make you feel better?" I said in a baby voice. He shoved me and we both burst out laughing.

"Cute girlfriend Laurence!" Said a blond boy, walking up to meet us at the school gates, I looked at him, blond hair, stunning blue eyes... Thus must be Laurence's best friend, Garroth. I made a puking gesture.
"Eww no!" I said. 
"He's my brother!" I said at the same time Laurence yelled "she's my sister!" And we both burst out laughing again.
"Oops, my mistake..." Garroth said. Just then a pink haired girl came up to me, she got really close to me.
"Stay away from Gerith freshman, he's mine." She told me.
"I'm sorry, I have no choice, you see, Laurence is my brother, so I'm going to be forced to be around Garroth wether I like it or not." I said, "But if it reassures you, he really isn't my type."
She looked thoughtful for a moment.
"Well, I'll let you off, but I'm keeping an eye on you!" She said before walking off to her group of friends.

I turned to Laurence.
"You handled her better than I thought you would." Laurence said.
"Mm, I wanted to seem confident, she was a bit intimidating..."
Just then the bell rang, Laurence looked shocked,
"I thought we got here earlier..." He said, "eh, come on, we need to get your schedule, see ya Garroth!" Laurence said as he lead me off towards the entrance to the school.

"Just wait in line there and get your schedule, I'm going to go see if anyone else is around." Laurence said, abandoning me in the entrance, not giving me time to reply. I went and stood in the line he told me to and waited.

"Name?" Asked the girl at the stall.
"Y/n Zvahl." I replied.
"The flirt's sister? You have a reputation to uphold." She laughed, "here." She handed me a piece of paper which had all my classes listed on it, my homeroom was room 203, I'm so glad we did orientation day. I thought as I ran to my homeroom, I got there just in time and took an empty seat at the back. next to me was the only other empty seat.

Halfway through the teacher welcoming the freshman students the door burst open and a tall boy with black hair and blue eyes came in, he sat in the chair next to me, the teacher opened his mouth, about to question the boy but instead he just sighed and shook his head, going back to what he was saying.

A few minutes later the teacher called Attendance, (what do you call it in America?)
"Gene (whoever thinks of a good last name for gene will be thanked)" said the teacher. Gene... I swear-

*Flashback - the day before*
"-and Make sure you watch out for the Shadow Knights, Zenix, Sasha and Gene, be extra careful of gene, he-" Laurence told me.
"Yeah I know," i replied, "you've already told me six times."

*End of flashback*

Oh Irene, I'm sat next to the leader of the Shadow Knights! What do I do! I can't change seats- the teacher said these were our seats for the rest of the year now- what will Laurence do if he finds out? Oh Irene I'm so going to die! A very fast train of thoughts rushed through my head.
"Gene?" The teacher said again. Gene responded with a grunt that I'm pretty sure that I was the only one who heard.

"DUDE! THIS IS A LEGAL DOCUMENT! SPEAK UP!" I yelled before I could stop myself. I mentally murdered myself. If i wasn't dead before I was DEFINITELY dead now.
"please calm down." The teacher said. Everyone was staring at me,
"Here." Gene said, sounding annoyed.
He went through a few more names before getting to me, right at the end.
"Y/n Zvahl?" The teacher called.
"Here!" I replied. This turned heads again. Thus time, Gene looked at me with an evil smirk on his face.

I hope everyone enjoyed this first chapter!

Honestly I don't have a clue where I'm going with Y/N's personality but hey, I'm just rolling with it.


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