Kiss over coffee

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CHAPTER 10 - Kiss over coffee

Things you'll need:
Y/n - Your name
l/f/s - Least favourite subject

We got our coffees and sat down at a table, Zenix and Sasha were whispering to each other.

"Hey guys, we're going to sit over there,"  Sasha said, pointing over to a table on the other side of Starbucks. She pulled Zenix by the arm over to the table and sat there.

"Well, that happened," I commented. "What now?"

"I guess we just drink our coffee," Gene said watching the two chatting at their table, "So, how come you came with us?"

"I guess we all need a bit of adventure once in a while, and I've never done this before." I said, "I thought it might be fun."

"I guess you could call this an adventure, but it's just Starbucks," Gene said with a laugh, "Nothing special."

"Yeah but I like being here, It's way more fun than l/f/s," I said.

"That's because I'm here," Gene said, taking a sip of his coffee.


An hour later we were leaving the coffee shop to head back to school when someone bumped into me, causing me to fall forwards, I dropped the remainder of my second coffee making a small "Oh!" sound as I fell, Gene whipped around and caught me by the arms before I could fall on the floor. My coffee went all over his shirt. I looked up at him.

"Thanks..." I mumbled.

"Don't worry about it," Gene replied.

"I got coffee on your shirt," I said.

"It'll wash out, it's fine," He said, I noticed Sasha and Zenix standing up the road slightly, watching us as whispering to each other. I looked up at his face, I took my chance and pushed myself upwards, kissing him. He stood, slightly shocked, then leant into the kiss. I pulled away and stood up properly.

"I like you, Gene," I said.

"I like you too, Y/n," Gene replied with a smirk.

"Come on lovebirds!" Sasha called, "We need to get back!" 

"Ok bossy!" Gene said, I kissed him again then took his hand and we walked back to school together.

Hey guys! well, that's the end! I'm so happy that I completed this story because I felt like giving up for a while, I hope you liked this ending!


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