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Things you'll need:

Y/n - your name

F/A - favourite author


I was sat in my room an hour before Gene was suppose to get here, I was slightly panicking about Laurence, I don't know what he would say if he knew that I had talked to Gene let alone invited him to our house.

Just then I had an idea, I picked up my phone and texted Garroth, Laurence had given me Garroth's number.

Y- Y/n G- Garroth

Y- Hey Garroth, it's me, y/n

G- Oh hey Y/n, are you ok?

Y- I'm fine, but I need a favour.

G- what is it?

Y- I really need you to get Laurence out of the house.

G- when?

Y- Tonight, from preferably 4:30 to at least 7

G- will do! See you tomorrow!

Y- Thanks Garroth, see ya!

About ten minutes later Laurence came into my room.

"Hey Y/n, I'm going out with Garroth in a bit so... Don't blow up the house." Laurence said.

"Ok, why would I blow up the house?" I asked.

"No Idea, It just sounds like something that you would do." He replied. "Now I'm going to get ready, I'm going at half past." 

"Ok, see ya!" I said. Laurence left the room and, about half an hour later, he left the house. I flopped on my bed relieved that he was gone. I played on my phone for a bit before I remembered that Cadenza was still in the house. 

I left my room and knocked on her door across the hall, she called for me to come in and I did, She had been making a dress for the last week.

"Hey that's pretty." I said, looking at it.

"I'm proud of it." she said, "What did you need?" 

"I just wanted to let you know that my partner for a group project is coming over later." I told her.

"Ok, I'll keep out of your way." She said.

"Thanks Cadenza, see ya!" I said, before leaving the room and closing the door, I checked my phone which said it was five minutes to five, Gene would be here in five minutes, I was nervous, I set up a space for us to sit in my room and then waited for him to get here, It seemed like an eternity until I the knock on the door, I checked my phone which said it was 5:07, he was late, which I had expected.  I rushed downstairs and opened the door.

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