Chapter 1:The Beginning part 1

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Danielle's POV

Weeks ago

I'm not crazy it's just all in my head, there are no monsters or demons just the ones inside that harm you your entire life. I can hear them screaming and yelling telling me things that I can't handle. It's the voices in my head which are far worse then monsters. The demons are killing me from the inside out.

A week later

I still remember that day like it was yesterday. That horrible day that started everything. I don't remember much but it was enough. Enough to make me crazy and hear voices. Enough for people to call me crazy, lock me up and throw away the key.


I woke up today in the same place I always been for 6 years. In this room with only one bed, one bathroom, and one exit. It's my birthday today and I'm turning eighteen. This means they have to put me on trial to see if I can leave. Hopefully I can, I can't stand it in here. I'm a prisoner and people in here are all crazy. I guess I am to, but not as bad as them. During these years I have been trying to drown the voices out so I don't have to stay here. If I can't well I have to go to a place much worse. See here it's mostly teens who are crazy. The age is normally 13-18 but I was the exception because I was turning thirteen a week after the incident that made me "crazy". After you turn eighteen you are an adult and they have a trial for you to see if you could go back to society, well with counseling. If they think you are still crazy they send you to the maximum security facility for people 18 and older. I do not want to go to avoid it I have been trying to stop the voices, the noises, the screams, the get the point. Nothing seems to work...I can still see my mother on the floor and my father yelling at me that it's all my fault, my brother crying. I still remember the day when...

BEEP...BEEP...BEEP...IT IS TIME FOR LUNCH, EXIT NOW. My door unlocks and opens (like always when it's time for a meal). I walk down the long hallway...This is my home, a prison an institution for crazy people, for people like me. Some people don't like calling it that it's just a place to get better, they say. More like a place where they don't have to deal with us, where they lock us up and throw away the key because we're not normal. My question is what is normal to them? Don't people feel like this all the time? Don't people hear voices and screams and have dreams? Well they are more like nightmares but still. I wonder what it's like to be normal, just for once in my life because I really don't remember what it was like before all of this.

***I'm sitting at my usual table. I sit by myself of course. I tried sitting with people but they just ask me weird questions and one time one of them tried to kill me. I wasn't even doing anything, she just came at me and started choking me. I felt like I was going to die. Sometimes I wish I did to stop all the pain and and heartache on the inside. No one will miss me they all think I'm crazy anyway...

My thoughts disappear when I notice a boy walk in and sit at a table by boy, I can tell he's new never seen him before. Trust me, I know when they are new they have this glow about them that says I'm getting out soon or I know I'm ok, I won't be here long. That's what I thought but you can't run away from your past, you can't run away from who you are. Apparently he saw me look at him cause now he's walking over here. Great someone else to deal with. Maybe he will just kill me and get it over with. He sat down across from me and started eating. He didn't even ask to sit down but whatever its fine. He is staring at me while I am trying to eat. I don't like people staring at me so I try and focus on my food. But when I look up a little he is still staring...can I just kill him now and get it over with?

"What?" I said a with an attitude.

"Nothing. I just...nothing." He said looking down at his food.

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