Slytherin Queen 👑: back to hoggiewarts
RosiePosie : Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts
Slytherin King 👑: teach us something please
TheSiriusPotter : Weather we be old and bald
Lil.pots: or young with scabby knees
HomoHugo: our heads could do with filling
Lupin_Lupout: with some interesting stuff
Dommie.W: For now they're bare and filled with air
Louie.W: Dead flies and bits of fluff
Viccie.W: So teach us things worth knowing : Bring back what we've forgot
Molly.moo : just do your best we'll do the rest
Roxie_ : And learn until our
Freddie_ : Brains all rot
Slytherin Queen 👑: you guys could have at least said how good the picture was :(