Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

(Clichéd romantic teen moments activate! *Ka-shing! Ka-blam! Ka-pow!*)

"Hey, hey, Cia! Come with us, it's an emergency!"

"Huh? But the performance is within twenty minutes..."

"I told you, emergency. It's about Kana! She needs you NOW!"

"H-huh?! W-where is she?"

"Come with us already!"


"W-where is she?"

"Idiot. Hold her down!"

"What are you doing! Let me go—hey!"

"Sorry Cia, being greedy won't really do you any good."

"Please, what's going on?!"

Cia opened her eyes before she could even unconsciously let out a scream. She sat up, looking around the darkened room. The full moon giving a dim light to let her see the other managers asleep on their own covers.

Sighing, the girl grabbed her bag to take her medicine bottle shakily, making her way towards the dark corridors with her phone light as she decided to head towards the cafeteria for some water. Their quarter was in the second floor, her watch says it was already 3:20 in the morning, hopefully, it is open for water. Her cold shaky hands didn't retreat, rather, it made her even more anxious.

If she didn't take her medicine now, she might cry just by the thought of that nightmare she's recently had. Her knees joined that it made her walk even harder to maneuver.

Few more steps and she reached the place, and when she did, she almost wanted to curse as she was welcomed by a locked door. Negative thoughts were taking over her, the memories started flooding again and tears began to escape her eyes. Leaning on the wall, she pressed her knees closer to her sobbing under the light of the moonlight, her face hidden in her knees full of indescribable pain.

She was annoyed by how emotionally weak she was at the moment. A frightening sight of her hand covered in blood suddenly appeared.

"Cia-san?" she almost jumped from the male voice that called. But her body couldn't help but tremble unwillingly.

"Please leave me alone." Her voice trembled and croaked. She almost wanted to hit herself when she looked weak in front of everyone.

Ushijima Wakatoshi wasn't the type to listen to people who doesn't looked fine at all. He was watching her tremble and observed when she tried to hide her sobs. In her hand, she held her medicine bottle which made him realize why she was down here. It must've been by chance that he went jogging three in the morning, coming back to see her concealing her suffering away from him.

He went near her, kneeling down to see her closer but her face was hidden on her knees. "Are you scared?" he asked.

She didn't reply.

"Cia-san, why are you crying."

Quickly, Celestia wiped the tears in her eyes before facing back the captain. "It's nothing." She replied nonchalantly yet still, the shaking of her voice didn't suffice enough reason for him to be satisfied.

He blinked twice to her obvious lie. Then his eyes trailed towards the medicine bottle. "Have you taken it yet?" he asked.

She followed his gaze and shook her head. "There's no water." She replied.

He nodded. "Here then." He offered her his own refreshments. Although doubtful if it's even appropriate to let her drink from the water he had just drank from few minutes ago. "I drank a little, so I apologize if it's gotten a bit dirty."

She eyed him for a second. Laughing lightly after realizing what he said. "It's alright, senpai, I don't think it's dirty just because you drank on it. Thank you." She took his bottle in hand, opening her medicine kit shakily as she poured two pills out in her palm and quickly dunked it to her mouth, drinking from Ushijima's water thirstily to push her pills down to her system.

He was watching her when she tried to concentrate her breathing. Opening and closing her shaky hands repeatedly until few more minutes, she was finally at ease. Inhaling deeply then exhaling, the captain ace blinked twice. "How do you feel?" he asked.

"I'm fine now." She wiped the remaining tears in her face and smiled. "I don't know how to thank you for all the help you did, senpai. And now you've already seen me display my weakness a lot of times. I kind of feel ashamed of myself." She said shyly.

"I don't mind." The platonic captain ace replied. "I'll be here if you need me. Hopefully, you'll feel better soon." He messed her head softly, standing up and lend a hand in front of her.

She looked at it with wonder then up to meet his eyes that was looking down at her, but making him wait is just rude that made her place a palm to his', helping herself to get up. Yet in some unfortunate timing, her knees still didn't seem to hold on to her common ground that she tripped forward towards Ushijima who didn't expect her to heave forward, making both of them fall back into the floor.

Eyes interlocking with each other almost made the world stopped the very moment when she realized how awkwardly close they are.

Cia was in shock when her face was only an inch away from his that nearly collided if she wasn't quick enough to put both elbows on either side of his face. Their warm breaths brushing each other's cheeks. With each stroke of breath and with every lock of hair falling into her shoulder, she felt her heart racing fast. She didn't want to notice it, but she always knew that Wakatoshi's face was handsome and now in such an uncomfortable and closer inspection, his honey glazed eyes was more than captivating than she could ever think, as though it was looking through her soul that she couldn't help but stare back. No wonder he's famous to some female student in their school.

The captain ace was on the same page. Her cat-like golden eyes staring directly at him... only to him which he greedily wanted to last for how long he wishes. He wanted to move his face closer to reach her lips but his body hung in utter shock and disbelief. His heart rate was beating quickly again, his face starting to feel hot. He clenched his jaw, scolding himself every now and then that he shouldn't do this and shouldn't do that. He could barely hold himself in. He wanted to put his hand at the back of her head and pull her face closer or coil his arms around her waist so that moment would last long. Which is a 'perverted thought' as he told Tendo.

"I-I'm sorry!" The girl who fell on top of him quickly pushed herself to sit up while Ushijima lifted himself, almost regretting the moment. "I'm really sorry, Ushijima-senpai! Uh... umm... are you hurt?" she asked. Her face a shade of red.

"I should be the one asking that." He said. "Are you hurt?"

"N-no... are you sure you're okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine." He sighed. He needed to fix this awkwardness, or else, she might not be comfortable speaking with him at this circumstance. "Do you want to jog with me instead?" he asked.

"Ah..." she looked at her attire. Nodding when she was wearing a black jogging pants and white shirt. "Yes please. I think I need some." She smiled.

He pursed his lips, hiding the smile that crept into his lips as he quickly turned around to lead the way into the exit. The girl followed behind, still, face flustered with embarrassment just thinking about how long she'd stared at him when he was cornered. Holding her hot cheeks with her cold hand, she suddenly wanted to hide under a tree. Hopefully, her chest would start easing later after this jogging.

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