Chapter 6 ~ Truth

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[Third person]

"So, how was your first sleep here? Did you sleep well?"
The two of them sat alone in Kai's therapy room. "I didn't get too much sleep. Bad dream."
"Oh? What was it about? I'm here for you to talk to after all."
"Can't remember." That was a lie obviously. He could remember it as fresh as day. The thought of it still made his stomach churn and twist.
"Oh. Ok. Well let's start our session then. Last session you mentioned how your parents didn't want you in the house. Care to explain?" Kai glanced at Hari's face in an attempt to figure out his emotions. It was a useless attempt, Hari wore his usual deadpan stare. He was looking at his hands and Kai thought about repeating his question in case he hadn't heard. Before Kai could open his mouth, Hari replied.

"It's nothing special. They hated me." His emotion didn't change at all when he replied, he just continued to stare blankly at his hands.
"Why did they hate you?"
"Because I was a boy."
"Care to explain further?"
"They wanted a little girl. But I was a boy. They begun putting me through a sex change, all they managed changed was my face but when I was four they stopped. Not because they couldn't be bothered but because they had another child. A little girl."

Kai nodded his head to show he was listening and decided that it was good he was sharing this information. He could try and get more out of him. "So, what happened when your sister was born? How did things change?"
Hari glanced up for a second, locking eyes with Kai before quickly looking back at his hands. He couldn't bring himself to do it, he felt weird whenever he looked at him. He found it odd that he felt like this with a man he just met. "Rather than changing my gender, they decided to ignore me. They wouldn't talk to me, help me, they wouldn't even give me food. I had to get a job eventually because I had no money to buy supplies for school and such."

[Kai's point of view.]

I felt bad for the kid. Wait, no I didn't. I shouldn't. Therapists are just supposed to pretend to sympathise with the person to figure out how to help them. I shouldn't actually feel bad. I've never felt bad for someone before. It seemed like Hari was done speaking but I couldn't ask another question. I couldn't really do anything. I just.... froze. Hari looked up to see what I was doing and gave me a confused look. I couldn't meet his eyes and turned away, standing up abruptly. "This sessions over. Go back to your room."

For a split second I could swear I saw sadness flash across Hari's face but he quickly hid it and stood up. Why was I acting like this? Why was he different? I walked out of the room, not bothering to wait for him to follow me. It was quite calming to just walk quickly and silently. We were almost by his room and I felt relief wash over me. It would be nice to just leave him and whatever had just happened behind. I was happy about that.

Well I was until I felt him grab my shoulder and stop me from walking.

♡~°Ok so like, I know I said I would write more but.... ummm... my grandparents have just come round and I kinda wanna spend time with them. Sooooooo, I will still post, it just might be kinda slow. But as always, thanks for all the love and support! Bye bye my floofs!!!°~♡

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