Chapter 6 Praise the lord Donulf!

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Chapter 6 ‘Praise Lord Donulf!’

            Karros ignited the fire by scraping two rocks together. The fire swirled with life leaving Karros’s mouth grinning wide. “A meal at last! Ha! Ha! Ha!” laughed the dwarf.

            “All thanks to me!” Respen reminded the dwarf sternly while taking a watch atop a tree. With his keen eyes he could warn the two below of danger. So far nothing had been caught in the gaze of Respen Rolim, nothing yet.

            “Now, now, let us eat some food,” said Karros. “Deer is quite delicious, especially when eating while starving! Come Respen, take your break and eat with us.”

            “First of all Karros,” said Respen. “I will come down when someone is ready to come up. I seldom trust these woods. Secondly, you must cook the food before eating it. Why do you think you lit the fire?”

            “Oh! I am so weary I forgot all about it!” exclaimed Karros slapping himself on the forehead.

            “Ah it is okay, I mean you are a human, and humans get fatigued,” said the dwarf. “But a dwarf remain at a hundo percent at all times even whilst starving to death!”

            “You forget that an elf can go longer without food than any,” informed the elf.

            “Before you all get into a fray of wits again I will say that all races have their own advantages and disadvantages,” assured Karros massaging his head with his fingers.

            “Dwarves have strength, elves have their fast ability, what do men have Karros?” asked the dwarf who had the look of curiosity. Gammerforth did not wish to challenge Karros but wanted to know. “What made humans … well, thrive? I mean, their species is quite weak compared to dwarves.”

            “That…” started Karros. “Is something I do not know.”

            “Ah well, let us cook this meat and then eat and then sleep. And whilst we wait I shall sing an old dwarf song.” Then Gammerforth hummed a slow tune and then started singing in a deep voice.

“The dwarves of the old age left to battle the danger

The danger that was known to all

All who fought it looked up to a ranger

The ranger answered the call

He struck the foe with mighty hammer

His skill was looked upon with awe

His battle made a tremendous clamor

All of Kashmiri’s evil, began to withdraw

The battle was won by that one fighter

All who looked upon him cried ‘Praise the Lord Donulf’

The dawn came and day became brighter

But evil would again engulf

The ranger lord set out to stop this threat

He slayed many villains

He spared some too and now they owe him debt

He raided many orc dens

Victory was at hand

He had fallen in love

But all that went offhand

Donulf went above

To a better place

The lover was slain by his wife

All that honor had been disgraced

The war was lost and so was life”


“That was very beautiful Gammerforth,” said Karros and he meant it. Gammerforth told the story of Donulf the ranger lord.


            “You told the tale of Donulf,” said Respen still standing on a branch in the tree.

            “Aye, you know of Donulf?” asked Gammerforth who thought it outrageous that an elf knew of a famous dwarf.

            “Yes indeed. He is a quite a hero among my people. His bravery helped us eventually defeat the evil that had attacked you. Do you know of Vuldred the elf?”

            “Aye, he slayed the orcs that attacked us.”

            “He is my ancestor.”

            Karros was taken aback by this. He knew much of Hind’s history, an exceeding amount. He knew most of all races’ history and he knew Vuldred, the hero of that went on hundreds of perilous adventures and finally fought for Asominia, the land of elves. He defended a mighty keep, and with his wits and bravery, and no petty amount of skill, he slayed the orcs that warred upon the keep.

            “And Donulf is my ancestor,” revealed Gammerforth.

            “What!” yelled Karros. “Vuldred is your great great however many greats there are grandfather and Donulf is your great great whatever grandfather?”

            “Aye, that be the truth, the total truth!” assured Gammerforth.

            “Same,” said Respen.”

            Karros could not believe it. Here he was camping out with the descendants of two of the greatest heroes in Hind. He felt a little meek and wanted to somehow bow down to them in respect. The deer soon was cooked right and they chowed it down. Karros especially enjoyed his meal. He thought how did humans thrived so long?


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