Chapter 13 The elixir of Anizya

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The Elixir of Anizya

            The giant stared at Karros frowning. He had an ugly mutated face with boils sprouting everywhere. His body was red and so were his legs. He then turned his head towards the woman who wore a white dress.  

            In a dangerous and deep but scratchy voice he spoke to the woman who was floating. “I told you to stop playing with newcomers! Look what you have done to this man and his friends. Well I mean I did this but you made me! You know I can only come through this room by blasting through the floor.” The giant picked up a body which happened to be Respen. The elf’s head had bruises and cut in numerous places. “Look at this poor elf, he’s probably dead. Check for me would you.”

            The woman put her fingers on Respen’s throat. “He’s alive,” she said in a bored voice.

            “And this dwarf?”

            “Yes, he’s alive also.”

            “What about this gnome?”

            “Yes! Stop bothering me Uncle Harrom!”

            “Alright, what about this black ball of fur? Wait a minute, he’s a bear! Oh I hate bears! Kill it now Ursula!”

            “No!” screamed Karros wildly.

            “What? Why not?” asked Harrom.

            “He’s my friend! Don’t you hurt him!”

            “Well I hate bears so I’m going to kill it. Ursula, kill it.” The woman descended down to an unconscious Cyben and began rubbing her hands. Karros sprinted towards her and pointed his sword towards Ursula.

            “Don’t touch him!” Karros said sternly.

            “Uncle Harrom, this puny fool wants to threaten me, now what?” asked Ursula.

            “Human! Do you wish to live? If you do then get out of the way.” Commanded Harrom.

            “No!” argued Karros.

            “Well then, kill him Ursula.”

            Ursula pounced on Karros with her hands stretched out. Her face transformed into a mutated zombie with foam and gore sputtering out of her mouth. Karros swung his sword but it went through her body and she tackled him.
            Her mouth clasped down to bite off his face but missed. Karros struggled to get her off but in vain for she was too strong. Her chomping mouth came closer and closer as Karros kept losing his strength. Her odor was horrible, like dead corpses and rotten flesh.

            Then the weight lifted off of him. He saw Gammerforth wrestling Ursula as she tried to snap his burly arms which looked like it would not even fit her mouth. Gammerforth threw her and swung his battle axe but it went through her. So she can’t be attacked by weapons! Thought Karros. Karros balled his fists and began hitting the woman in her ugly face. Gore splattered on his knuckles as she went down.

            Her face returned to normal. Her face then revealed the bruises and black eye Karros had given her.

            The giant looked at Ursula and then at Karros. “No one has ever been able to defeat Ursula,” said Harrom.

            Karros wondered why. He defeated her easily! “Why were they not able to beat her?” Karros angrily asked.

            “They were too fond of her beauty.”

            “What beauty, her face had turned into a zombie face!”

            “Really? That’s what you saw?”

            “Yes, what did the others see?”

            “A gorgeous lady trying to woo them. You are unique. Wait, show me your sword,” Harrom ordered sternly.

            Karros showed him the black sword and Harrom gasped.

            “My good gods! You are Karros Brazen! You are indeed brazen, bold and shameless you look and bold and shameless you act. That is Eclipse, the night blade, the black death, the dark killer, the shadow master!”


            “Your father Kane Brazen was given this sword by his father Karl Brazen, and he got it from his father Karros Brazen who first made it. You inherited this sword from three generations ago. Tell me did you come in from the entrance that said Aindriyar Grahana ca melana ziro niyoga?”

            “Yes but how…”

“You are Brazen then! Oh right you want to know how I know your family history. Well it is simple, your father and fore fathers starting with the first Karros Brazen helped me in battle against the enemy clans. They warred against them with me and with Eclipse they made the Elixir of Anizya. That makes a Brazen indestructible. This does not mean you can go foolishly into a swarm of spirits and skeletons.” Harrom looked at Gammerforth as he said this. “A strong attack from a fine blade with give you not death but a nice good wound. Dark powers can kill you yes but with much more difficulty. Normal spells will hurt you but rarely kill you. That will take an immense amount of magic. So in other words you will be a super human.”

“But how do I make this elixir and another thing, do you technically owe me a debt?” asked Karros now curious.

            “First question, you use your sword, second question, yes I do,” Harrom answered.

            “Then I need you to help me kill Grok the orc. He killed my father Kane Brazen.”

“What! No! I will shred his limbs!” The giant gestured by making a ripping motion with his scab filled hands.

            “Then you will help me?”

            “Yes I will! But I must warn you, he is very powerful. He is a mage who has the power to kill you.”

            “Damn! I hate mages! Especially if they are orcs!” Karros exclaimed.

            “Aye me too!” said Gammerforth who had been listening intently. Ursula had gone now and was tending to her bruises.

            “Yes and he will kill you if you don’t make the elixir. That is your destiny!”

            “I will do it then,” agreed Karros.

            Cyben had woke up now and he stood next to Karros growling at Harrom.

            “I will leave my grudge for now. Let us go make that elixir."

Authors Note: Hey readers and writers sorry I have not been posting lately. I have been busy with stuff. But now I'm back again! Happy reading and writing folks!

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