Chapter 11 Good Job Young Serpentslayer

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Chapter 11 Good job young Serpentslayer

            Karros heard a very loud crack in the roof of the base. Then water gushed through. The orcs looked confused and realized that if they did not do something they would drown. They sprinted from the way they came but a large snake like shape stopped them. If you are thinking an anaconda then you are wrong. This snake like creature was sixty feet long and its diameter was about two yards. It had emerald scales and black spikes sprouting wickedly from the back. The creature had blood red teeth which frightened the orcs even more. This malice was a serpentius.

            The creature slithered around munching and crushing the orcs. Water gushed in and had reached two feet deep inside. Karros grabbed Cyben in his free arm and sped for the exit. He trudged through the rising water which made him slower. Soon the water had reached up to his chest. He tried to keep Cyben above the water so he would not get water in his nose while the human walked.

            Orcs flew everywhere being eaten and squished by the serpentius. The creature snaked through the water and aimed for flailing orcs in the water hopelessly trying to get away. It would be a matter of time before it spotted Karros and Cyben.

            Karros was swimming now, hoping to be unseen. He could hear shout and shrieks of orcs with plundered fear in his heart. Cyben began to whimper as he swam. Cyben knew that Karros would not be able to swim fast enough if he had to lug him along.

            The water had reached to about seven feet and Karros could see the tip of a row boat for the water was swirling up and down because of the serpentius. Karros swam closer and saw his friends on it. Respen, Gammerforth and Sparks. Karros shouted out to them and soon he was in their boat.

            “We have to get out!” yelled Sparks. “If the serpentius sees us then we are doomed!”

            “Then row the boat! Let us go!” roared Gammerforth over the splash of water and screams of orcs. The serpentius was almost done with its meal.

            The sepentius blasted out of the water and loomed over the boat. It sneered as if to show they were dead no matter what. Karros looked at it with fury in his eyes. “It won’t end like this!” shouted Karros and with that he leaped towards the body of the serpentius and jabbed his sword in the scales and flesh. The serpentius roared with pian and dived into the water.

            Respen could not see any sign of Karros or the serpentius. He had half a mind of jumping in the water but that would not help. Serpenti were fearsome creatures. It was likely that Karros had drowned. A tear dripped down from Respen’s face. Once again he had lost his friend.

             Then the serpentius swooshed out and began thrashing its head into the walls. It dived under again then splashed out and begand bashing its head again. Then the serpentius let out a weak growl and collapsed into the water after breaking some pillars and making stone drop atop it. The others rowed the boat towards the broken pillars that fell and Cyben sat whimpering. He looked down at his paws in grief. There the four could see a human with torn clothing standing atop a fallen stone piece jutting out of the water. His face was filled with bruises and blood and cuts. Also there was a smile.

            “Good job young Serpentslayer,” said Sparks grinning at the human    


Author's Note: Hey guys I'm back after a long time (or at least it felt like a long time). I had a busy time with some personal things so I could not spend time writing or reading. Although I do admit I spent my free time reading one of my new favorites Legend of Drizzt  series. It is amazing! Anyways I would like to say thanks for reading again and of course that I will try to publish more chapters. I think they became a little too short so I'll put some juicy things in them to make them longer and interesting. Happy reading and writing folks! (Wow I wrote a lot:)

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