Ch.1 Pilot

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~~~~During The Fall Of The Moby Dick/???'s P.O.V.~~~~

"Target locked on."

I was on one of the tall buildings that tower over Yokohama. I laid flat on the roof as I ready my sniper riffle. Looking through the scope, I stare at the face I despise with all my being.

"I can't wait to kill you."

"Easy, now. You wouldn't want to get too excited and miss the shot. Our client wouldn't want that now." a soothing voice replies through the communicator in my ear.

"R-Right. Sorry, sir. It's just...after all these years, and suddenly seeing her again, I remember all my hatred for her. I wanted her dead since the day I met her."

"Well, keep your bloodlust in check before she spots you."


A beeping sound suddenly comes from the earpiece.

"I'm changing the channel, sir. I have another call coming in."

"Alright, make sure you don't miss."

"Yes, sir."

I take the small communication device from my pocket and change the station.


"Hey, She-Devil~."

"D-Don't address me as that! I hate that stupid nickname she gave me! And don't address me so casually either! I'm an executive, got it?! That means I'm your boss!"

"Right, sorry, boss~."

"I'll kill you."

"Don't give me that. I just wanted to inform you that the bombs are placed. I set them in the coordinates you gave me. Thanks to you, I had to swim in the ocean. Now I'm all wet."

"Thank you."

"Now you just have to not miss."

"Of course I won't miss! I always hit my mark."

"Did you get the captain's special bullets?"

"Yes. He gave them to me before I came up here."

"Okay. I'll leave you to it."


"And remember, don't miss-"

I turn the communicator off.

"That idiot! Who does he think he is?! Ordering me around, ha! I'll let him have it once I get back to the base. Now..."

I look through the scope once more, staring right at my target.

"Shiori Nakajima. Today, you will die by my hand."

As if hearing my words, she looks straight at me. Her eyes widen when she noticed me.

She can see me? From this far away?! No way!

What she did next pissed me off.

My eyes widen when I saw her smirking before putting on a fake worried look. She turns her head towards the others, who were safely floating down with their parachutes.

Her smirk... She's smirking... At me?!

"That b*tch! I'll kill that damn bloodsucker!"

I pull the trigger.


I watch as the bullet rips through Shiori's parachute, completely destroying it. Because of the shock, she ends up passing out as she begins to fall.

"Good. The bombs should be right below."

As I watch through the scope, I noticed the man with the black coat activiating his ability.

"Oh no you don't. No one will get in the way of my job. She will die today."

Loaded with one of the captain's special bullets, I take a shot at the ability. The bullet rights through the coat and gazes the other guy's leg.

"There. That should stop you from using your ability for a bit. Now, it's time for me to go."

I pack my treasure and leave the roof of the building. Once back on the top floor, I go to the window and watch as Shiori's body hits the water. I turn on the communicator as her companions safely land at the port.


"Yes, Miss Executive?"

"Detonate the bombs."

"Your wish is my command, little lady."

A second after his words, the bombs go off. I watch as the water shoots up towards the sky, and fall right back down.

"It's done. Jurou and I will check the water tonight to confirm."

"Good. I'll be reporting to the captain now."

"Kay, see you back at base."

I turn the communicator off and head for the elevator. The doors open and I take a step inside. I hit the button for the bottom floor and the doors close. The elevator begins it's decent as I take my phone out.

"The client better pay well-"


My phone suddenly starts ringing. It's from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered.


A distressed voice booms through the phone. It was one of my subordinates that I had stationed down near the port. They were to keep a look out just in case Shiori survived.

"What's the problem?!"

"We're being gunned down!"

"What?! What organization is attacking us? Is it the Port Mafia?"

I wouldn't be surprised if they found us hiding in their warehouses. But they're supposed to be occupied right now.

"No, Miss! It's not an organization! It's-"


I hear a gun shot on the other side of the line.

"Hey?! Soldier, are you alright?! ...Answer me!"


I can hear some shuffling before I hear the phone being picked up.

"Even with a broken arm, I could still beat your men."

My eyes widen from hearing her voice.

"...How did you...?!"

"Want me dead? That's fine. Come and find me. That is, if you think you can, She-Devil~. It's cute to at least see you try."

And with that, the phone hangs up.

I stood there, staring at the ground as anger boils up inside me.

"You damn bloodsucking whore..."

I punch the metal door of the elevator, denting it as I do.


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