The story of a severally depressed girl

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She was about seventeen when she started to remember her childhood finally. She had been in the hospital since the age of fifthteen. She wasn't terminally ill just not quiet the right material for human society. She saw things differently than other people. She saw the was things worked and the core of it. She saw people for who they were not for there looks, and since she was like that she knew no one would ever share the same thoughts as her. Nor would they ever be able to understand that she was an oddity of the world. One in which the governments scientist hadnt been able to fix. She wasn't part of a statistic she was in her own sextion unknowing if they were more like her or not. When she was first born she was more curious than the other infants. Than as a toddler she wasn't interested in learning her alphabet or her numbers. She enjoyed animals. Her toddler stages passed though and her parents became worried as did the teachers. They feared she wasn't like the other children. They were right she wasn't. During elementary school she was pushed off the jungle gym and called a monkey face every day. Although she was a quiet beautiful girl with medium length auburn hair and brown eyes that struck you like a beautiful coffee table in a fancy hotel. She was a little bit chubby for her height but still she was gorgeous. Middle school came and went the bullying had gotten worst so she started to harm herself by leaving cuts on her inner wrist and upper thighs. They started to get deep by the time she was a freshman in highschool that's when it all began.

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