19; calling ark station.

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7. Contents Under Pressure. [Part 1]

I was born in space. I've never felt the sun on my face or breathed real air or floated in the water. None of us have. For 3 generations, the Ark has kept what's left of the human race alive, but now our home is dying, and we are the last hope of mankind.

100 prisoners sent down on a desperate mission to the ground. Each of us is here because we broke the law. On the ground, there is no law. All we have to do is survive, but we will be tested by the Earth, by the secrets it hides, and most of all by each other.


There was many things running through the group's head at the moment. First off, the thunder had escalated since they arrived back to camp since saving Octavia, turning into a heavy storm. If there was a word to describe the uneasiness surrounding the inner circle of the drop ship it would be chaos. There is total and an abundance of chaos running and screaming around the drop ship.

Since saving Octavia, Quinn and the others had learned that Jasper and Monty went off somewhere in the woods together. In this storm all she could think of was finding her brother and his best friend, but her current struggle was getting the radio fixed. She had shocked herself multiple times as she unwounded the many wires pouring from the outsides of the radio. Her left hand being the one that was still wrapped in the cloth to prevent her burn from becoming infected.

She had seen Bellamy walk outside from the drop ship with a few of the hunters, including John. In this weather, a weather that none of the 100 had ever seen or been affected by, Quinn doesn't see that what he is supposedly doing is smart. But, she can't say that for right now her concern is getting the radio fixed enough to contact the Ark.

With the chaos running inside the drop ship, kids less than 15, others being her age or lower; her mind is reeling. The fact her best friend is lying on a metal table with a blade of some kind imbedded into his abdomen. Everyone was panicking, the group was trying to find themselves in a secluded area away from the raging storm outside. The latch door was still open, most likely to hopefully see that faces of Jasper and Monty. And also of Bellamy and the row of tools he dragged along with him.

Quinn snapped her hand back shaking it out after the latest shock that left her fingertips tingling. She wiped her forehead as she cut open the last wire and started to combine the wires by the ends. She glanced to her side seeing Raven checking the radio's frequency. The girl closed her eyes before exhaling her breath as she slowly and cautiously started to twist the wires together.

Raven sat behind the radio looking over at Quinn who was twisting the wires heavily enough to at least hold a connection with the Ark. But, they both knew that connection wasn't happening anytime soon.

The tanned girl stared deep into the now darkened eyes of Quinn. The girl nodded to her and Raven lifted the head phone up to her ear. The mic sat at her mouth she began to try to contact the Ark for the first time.

"This is Raven Reyes calling Ark Station. Come in, Ark Station." Raven paused listening through the storm raging on outside for any frequency if any, from the Ark. She looked up at Quinn shaking her head before she tried again more urgently, "This is Raven Reyes calling Ark Station. Please come in. Can anyone hear me?"

Clarke at that moment walked over to the panel as others crowded around Raven who was trying not to snap at the hovering crowd around her. The blonde exchanged a look with Quinn who switched the radio's frequency a little more for Raven who had urged her to change it once again.

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