period problems

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The sun peeked through the curtains of his bedroom. Bradley begun to wake up slowly feeling the warm rays of the sun. He opened his eyes and immediately look to his right only to see the blonde angel sleeping pacefully beside him. He smiled and lifted his body a little so he can stretch his arms.

He stopped when he saw blood on the sheets of the bed. Bradley pulled the quilt off of her and saw the blood on her tights.

"Stef, baby wake up" he shook her lightly

The blonde opened her eyes slowly and looked at the man standing in front of her. She immediately lifted up seeing his scared face.

"Baby, what's wro-"

She stopped dead in her tracks when she's seen the blood too.

"What date it is?"

"August 20"

"Oh my God! Baby, I am so sorry!" she shook her head.

"Stef, why are you sorry?"

"I absolutely forgot about the fact that today I am supposed to start my period. I am so sorry!"

She was on the verge of crying and Bradley took her in a hug, calming her.

"Hey baby! Don't be sorry, I was just scared. How are you feeling? Does your stomach hurt?"

"I am feeling okey, I guess. I am so sorry that I ruined your sheets"

"You didn't ruined anything, look at me!" he lifted her face to look at him "They can be washed. Let me take care of you. I am gonna go get you ready a warm bath and then I will go buy you tampons cause I don't have any. It's that okey, love?"

She nodded and a tear escaped from her right eye, rolling down her cheek.

"Don't cry baby! Are you in pain or something?"

"No, it's just-" she made a pause and took a deep breath "No man I was with before took care of me in this way, especially when I was on my period. Most of them were disgusted by the blood and stuff. Why are you so perfect?

Bradley shook his head and kissed her forehead "They were just idiots who don't know how to take care of their woman. I would never be disgusted by this. This is normal, it's part of you. And I love every part of you. And about the "perfect" part...I am because you make me this way. You make me everything I am, love"

"I love you so much"

He took her bridal style and went into his bathroom. He helped her out of the bloody clothes and put them into the washing machine. He filled the bathtub with warm water and helped her step into it.

"Thank you baby! This feels amazing"

"I am glad your feeling better! Now I am gonna get you some tampons. Got any preferences?"

"No baby"

"Do you need any medicine? For like stomach pain or something?"

She smiled widely at him "No baby. I am okey, I promise!"

"Okey" he smiled and kissed her for head " you stay here and relax. I am gonna be right back"

With that he was gone. Gaga relaxed her muscles into the warmth of the water. She often asked herself what has she done in her life to deserve an angel like him. She was sure that he is it for her. No one can convince her otherwise. Bradley is her ride or die.


Hey guysss! I had this chapter in my mind for a few days and I needed to get it out of there. Hope you liked it! This is gonna be a book of oneshots so if any of you want to request something feel free to do it. And don't worry about the other stories, new updates soon! ♡

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