happy new year

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She met him just a few hours ago at a party in Vegas and she just wanted to have some fun for the New Years Ever so, she invited him to see her sing at her best friends Brian Newman show After Dark.

As the clock hit midnight and everyone popped the bottles of champange she made her way to him and kissed him.
She was drunk so a little bit of talk in the press won't hurt.

They left together but 10 minutes later she dropped him home by just saying goodbye. Her head was really hurting but she had fun, at least. The jazz always got the best of her. Her heart still longing for a certain man.

She entered her home and got rid of her heels when she made contact with an mad and also sad Bradley. His blue eyes more darker than usual.

"What are you doing here? Who let you in?"

"Your security let me in. What the fuck is this all about?!" he raised his voice as he showed her the video of her kissing the mysterious guy.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" Gaga raised her voice too "You come into my house, at fucking 3 am on New Years Eve to question me about my personal life?! It's my problem with who I am kissing, not your fucking business!"

"Oh, so you started kissing people for fun now?"

"This is what you're thinking of me? You think I am whore who is kissing every guy she sees, huh?! The truth is I just didn't want to be alone tonight, I met him earlier today and he seemed like a good guy" her voice softened, her eyes teary "I just wanted to have someone by my side and to be able to kiss him. And yeah, I admit that I drank and I admit that my actions weren't that good"

Bradley let his head down and sighed. He was regreting now that he shouted at her and never thought about her feelings. His jealousy took over him and he was just mad.

"Stefani?" everytime he said her name her heart started beating faster "What does he have and I don't?"

She was taken back by his question "What?"

"You heard me...I am not good enough? You don't see that I came over here, in Las Vegas, on fucking New Years Eve because my fucking jealousy? What do you want me to do to see that I love you? Tell me and I will do anything!"

She was shocked so she closed the distance between them and took his heands into hears.

"Bradley, I can't believe what you said! B...you're more than enough for me. But you making me wait for all this months and you didn't even send a message it made me believe that you don't want us to be more than friends. I didn't know what to do"

"I wanted to message you or give you a call after me and Irina were done, but I couldn't. I was caught up with the custody of Lea and then you and Dan...it was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I gave you your space and now again, when I've seen the video...I-" he escaped a tear that Gaga immediately catched.

"I don't know what to say Bradley...I- I am so sorry" she put her forehead on his "We've been two iditos, for real" her comment made him smile.

"I am sorry that I came here and yelled at you. I was just seeing red in front of my eyes. I love you, Stefani! And I want to be with you, hope that is not too late"

"Better later than never! I love you, Bradley Cooper! And it feels damn good to be able to say it"

He looked into her eyes "Can I kiss you?"

"Please do!"

He didn't waste any moment and locked his lips with hers. Finally, after all this time and suffering they were able to be with each other. He kissed her slow and passionate, his lips caressing hers in the most loving way. This feels damn good!

"Now that we are good, I have to give you something"

"Bradley, you don't have to give me anything, you know that"

"I know but I wanted to give you this after New Years Eve but everything that happened tonight and yeah..."

He took out from his jacket a black box with a litte star on it.

"I hope you like it!"

He opened the box and she couldn't help but escape a tear when she's seen the beautiful bracelet with a little star made of diamonds attached to it.

"Bradley this is absolutely beautiful"

"Give me your hand"

She gave him her right hand and he carefully put it around her wrist, and then placed a kiss on her palm.

"The star started all. You'll always be the biggest and only star on my sky"

She kissed his cheek and hugged him tight "I love it, B. You'll always be my star too"

The little lovebirds kissed again. This is the start of a new beautiful story.


Hey guyss! I know almost all of you lost faith after last night and I wanted to write this to show you that not everything we see on the outside is what is happening in the inside too. Never lose the faith, kisses 💕 Happy New Year !!! 💕💕💕

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