happy father's day

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"I can't believe I can't see her today!" Bradley told his mom for the milionth time that day

"I know, baby! Especially now that today is father's day...but don't worry, this will be over soon and you don't need to hide anymore" Gloria tried to cheer him up, but nothing didn't seem to work

"Yeah, you're right. I know we did this whole PR so we can live in peace after, but...it's too much already. I just wanna be with her, no paparazzi, no PR, no nothing. Just me and her"

"And it will be like that, son. You and Stefani were meant to be together and you'll see that after all this, everything is going to be alright"

Bradley sighed defeated "I know, mom. Thank you for everything"

Gloria caressed his cheek lovingly "I love you, son! But now I gotta go. Lea is still sleeping upstairs and if you need anything...just call me, okay?"

They got up from the couch and Bradley opened the door for his mom "Okay, mom! Take care!"

Bradley closed the door behind her and jumped again on the couch. He hated that he wouldn't see his Stef today. They talked about what they are gonna do for about weeks, but of course the stupid PR comes first. He knew he accepted this and it was in the benefit of their relationship, but he hated it with all his guts.

He opened the TV so he can distract himself from all this thoughts. Not even ten minutes passed and he was already sleeping with the remote in his hands. Little that he knew, this day wasn't completely destroyed.


Gaga was in front of his apartment door  ready to knock. She knocked one, twice but nothing. Luckily she had a key so she opened it easily. The whole apartment was silent, Gaga made a few steps forward and she was met with a beautiful sight of the love of her life sleeping on the couch.

She closed the distance between them and took a sit on the coffee table in fron of the couch. She smiled and put her left hand on his cheek, caressing it slowly. The feeling of her soft hand made Bradley stir awake immeditaely. He was totally caught off guard when he saw who it was.

He rubbed his eyes "Stef?" he said almost in disbelife.

"It's me, love. I missed you so much"

He took her hand and pulled her on top of him on the couch making Gaga giggle.

"I can't believe you're here" kissed her forehead "I thaught" kissed her cheek "that you" kissed her other cheek "aren't gonna come today" kissed her lips

"I know what I said, but I couldn't stay away from you any longer" his smile was from ear to ear "And I also have a surpise for you"

"Oh, so a surprise you say. Should I worry?" he tickled her side playfully

"Bradley" she giggled "Nothing to worry about, just a little gift. Wanna open it?"

"Sure, gimme!"

"You're such a child sometimes" she arranged his messy hair.

Gaga got from her purse a black box and her phone.

She handed Bradley the box and he looked at her confused "Wait, let me record your reaction"

"Okay, I guess" he smiled "What is this? A necklace?"

"No, silly! Just open it!"

Gaga pressed record just when Bradley opened the tie that was around the box. Her hands were sweaty, she hoped with all her heart that he is gonna like the surprise. Bradley finally oepend the box and his jaw dropped.

"Stef?! Is this-?!" tears started to run down his cheecks.

"Happy father's day, daddy!" she started to cry too.

She was so happy that she was able to catch on camera his reaction so she can show to all the family.

"Tell me please that you're not kidding! This is real, right?! Tell me is real" he couldn't contain his excitement

"It's real, baby!"

"We are gonna be parents?"

She nodded and he immediately got up with Gaga in his arms, pressing kisses all over he face.

"I can't stop crying fuck" he put her down and wiped away his tears "I literally have no words, you just made me the happiest man alive, Stef. I love you so fucking much, baby!"

She put her forehead on his "I love you too, baby! I can't wait to start this journey with you!"

Their little moment was intrerupted by a sleepy voice coming from the top of the stairs "Tefi?"

"Hi, angel! Come here!"

Lea runned in Gaga's arms. They get along so well. Gaga absolutely adore Lea and the same for Lea. When she wasn't around Lea always asks her father about Gaga.

"Why u cying?"

"No baby, don't worry. These are happy tears"

"Happy teals?"

"Yes" Gaga giggled

"Lea, baby. Daddy has something to tell you"

Lea looked intently at her father.

"Daddy and Stefi are gonna have a baby. That means that in about 9 months, you are gonna have a little brother or sister"

"I am gonna have a tister?"

"Or a brother" Bradley smiled


Lea started to jump around and to scream that she is gonna have a little stister.

The happiness that Bradley felt was once in a life time. This is much more that he wished for in this life. He is gonna build a new future with the love of his live beside him. This couldn't get better than this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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