chocolate cake

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"Okay, B. So here it is the recipe my mom gave me earlier"

"Chocolate cake à la Germanotta...I like the name of it" he chuckled.

"Haha, very funny B! Let's just start if we want to have it ready until later tonight"

"I just hope it's not gonna turn out like your famous "almost falling" cake that broke the internet" Bradley tried to stay serious but when he saw her face he exploded in laughter.

"You're an asshole! You know that?" she hit his chest and pouted.

"I am sorry baby, I had to do it. Okay, let's start the cake. This is gonna be the most beautiful and delicious cake ever, you'll see"

"Okay, you're the one who played a professional chef so...You are the boss here"

"Baby...I am always the boss" he smirked and flexed his muscles in a funny way.

She giggled "As you say, Cooper!"

They read the recipe again and got out of the bag all of the ingredients they needed.

"Cocoa powder, eggs, milk and Nutella?"

"Yes, we have everything Stef. Let's get this cake going" he clapped enthusiastic

"You are such a child sometimes, I swear" she giggled

They got ready their bowls and put all their ingredients in order.

"So, here it says that after we mix up the eggs very good to ad a cup of milk and two tablespoons of sugar" Gaga looked carefully at the piece of paper.

"Okay, so I mix the eggs and you measure the milk and the sugar"

"As you say Chef Cooper" she smirked at him

"Damn, that sounds good! Maybe I will make you say this in bed too" Bradley smirked back at her and winked

"I gotta say, this doesn't sound bad at all. Maybe I will use it more often from now on" she winked back at him

After their little flirty moment they got back at doing what they needed to do. The chocolate cake.

Bradley mixed the eggs as Gaga mesured the milk and the sure and they combined them again Bradley mixing the whole thing.

"Okay, so now while I am mixing this up you gotta pour five tablespoons of cocoa powder and after that the 8 cups of flour"

"Okay Chef, but be careful with the mixer, we don't want to spread eggs and milk everywhere"

He looked at her and put on a serious look "Let the Chef do his magic"

She raised her arms in defeat and giggled. Gaga carefully put the cocoa and flour in the bowl of the mixer and waited for Bradley to get them ready.
After he mixed them well, he poured the composition of the cake into a tray and put it in the oven.

Gaga huged Bradley from the side and he kissed her hair "I really hope this cake ia going to be good"

"With a Chef like me the cake is going to be absolutely delicious"

She looked at him with a serious look "Bradley, I am serious! It's your mothers birthday and I promised her a surprise. I want this to be perfect"

He sensed her nervousness and put his thumb under her chin to make her look at him "Stef, my mother absolutely adores you. The cake is going just as amazing as you are. And my mom isn't  pretentious about food, she will love it because it comes from you and you made it love. That's all that matters"

She sighed and gave him a sweet smile "You always know what to say to make me calm. I so love you!"

"I love you too, cutie! So so so so so fucking much!" he kissed her sweetly and lifted her up making her giggle

"Brad-ley!" she screamed between giggles "Let me down pl-please"

He didn't listen to her, trew her on the couch and started to tickle her.
Until the cake is ready, they have time for their little play time


As I promised you, I AM BACK!!!! A little cute chapter this time, hopefully a longer ones in the future. If you liked this chapter comment down and don't forget ro give me suggestions of what you wanna see on the future. I will try to write all of your requests 💕

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