quiet baby

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Gaga was waiting for Bradley in her living room. He went upstairs to put Lea in bed because she felt asleep on the couch, after hours of playing. They were testing their relationship now, that Bradley broke up with Irina. Both of them knew that they have feelings for each other and they agreed to take it slow for a while.
She was diving through TV channels when she heard Bradley's steps on the stairs.

"She's out like a light" Bradley smiled and took a sit beside Gaga on the couch.

"We had so much fun today" she giggled

"Yeah...seeing you two playing and having fun together is doing so a lot of things to me, Stef. My two little girls" he took her hand and kissed it.

Her cheeks went rose at his words. She knew she was already in deep for the man standing in front of her. Her stomach was full of butterflies just from seeing him. She looked into his eyes and approached his lips slowly.
He didn't wasted any other moment and just crashed his lips into hers. The feeling of her lips on his was heaven. He licked her lips for permission that she gladly gave. He immediately deepened the kiss, his tongue sucking hers constantly. She put her hand behind his neck bringing him closer to her. They parted as they felt the need for air and he put his forehead on hers.

"Fuck" he breathed

She looked down and saw the bulge in his pants. She knew they agreed to taking things slowly but in this moment there was no time for taking it slowly. She immediately put her hand on his bulge, caressing it and making Bradley moan.

"What happened to 'we are gonna take things slowly' ?" he smirked

"In this moment I don't fucking care about what I said. Let me take care of you, baby" she whispered and kissed his neck, licking and bitting it, leaving red marks. They were so turned on.

"Fuck, Stef...you drive me crazy"

"Take your shirt off" she commanded

He listened to her and took his shirt off as she stripped his belt. He lifted a little so she can pull his pants and boxers down, letting his erection free on his stomach.

She moaned at his sight "Fuck B...you're so big baby"

She often imagined at how big he could be, but seeing him in all his glory in front of her has her mouth watering. She put her right hand on the head and begun to go slowly up and down  making Bradley shiver. She put two of her fingers in her mouth, wetting them good and put them on the head of his cock so the movements can go smoother.

"So hard B...so beautiful" she purred and begun to stroke his dick faster

Bradley closed his eyes and let his head fall back in pleasure. The work she was doing with her hand was heaven. She begun to kiss his neck slowly as she moved her hand faster and harder making Bradley moan loud.

She kissed his mouth "Not so loud baby...you're gonna wake Lea up" she smirked as she looked at his flushed face.

"Baby...how I am supposed to shut up when you're fucking killing me with those hands" he but his lower lip to suprass another moan.

She moved her hand faster, twisting it everytime she would reach the head. He took her head and kissed her mouth to silence his moans. She drived her tongue inside his mouth, stroking and caressing his as she put her other hand on his balls, scraching lightly. Bradley broke the kiss as he felt his orgasm approaching .

"Fuck Stef...I am gonna cum. Don't stop, please" he begged and rolled his eyes until they felt shut

"Yes baby...cum for me" she bit his ear lobe.

Two more strokes and he released his cum everywhere on his chest and abs. He couldn't remember the last time he came so hard. She looked at him and at his rising, strong chest. She smirked and went down to his abs and begun to lick the mess that was on him. He moaned again as he felt her wet, wram tongue cleaning him up. She took all of his sweet seed and swallowed it looking into his eyes. She approached his lips and kissed him making him taste himself on her tongue. Another moan escaped in her mouth.

"You taste exceptional, love" she smirked and liked her lips

"You're a goddess, Stef" he smiled satisfied

"Come on, cowboy. After all this you need a shower"

She smiled and took his hand. He followed her happily, feeling high in love.


Hiiii guyssss! A dirty on this time hehehehe. Don't forget that you can request me some ideas if you have. Hope you enjoyed it♡

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