Deluded by Illusion

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When I speak your Holy Name and a human laughs out of spite, I then know it is You who is causing them to laugh.

The deep fear of truth that shakes inherited dogma is the same fear that is waiting to liberate the soul.

KRSNA is All Attractive in a way not understood by pundits.
Yes He is beautiful to look at, but He is the Metaphysical Creator and Central Sun.
KRSNA is the Greatest Attractor in space time, the black hole of black holes.
All universes and galaxies revolve KRSNA, held firmly in His Grasp and Swinging in His Ordained Circuits.

With just a single spark of His Power He manifests Trillions of Universes each with billions of galaxies within.

Oh Lord God Your activities are uncountable, unsearchable and Mysterious.
What are you doing with Your other 99.99% of Creative Power?
How many Realities do you Hold Within Your Body of Transcendental Glory?

The illusion of Your Creation is so perfect and grand that it appears to run automatically without assistance.
Devotees know You Alone Uphold and Preserve Every Atom as it vibrates in a chaotic controlled pattern.

God let me be a mouth piece for Your Divine Message of Liberation.

The illusion deluded the atheist but they too are on a path toward KRSNA.

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