Devotion is Dedication

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Speaking to myself I say;
Don't let this be a passing phase.
Grow with Krishna every day.
Chant Hare Krishna and pray.
I dance in a trance for Narayan in a spiritual parade.
The Glorious One knows my Name.
I want to change.
To stay the same is death.
Every thought must be about the Supreme, there is no other path for me.
If I lack or slack then snap back to the Lotus Feet of Our Lord.
From these feet the whole universe is blessed.
Listen closely to the soul as it speaks, guiding you to right action.
Never say no to a command God gives in your heart.
Love others the way Krishna loves them; eternally and unconditionally.

Speaking to devotees I say;
Represent Krishna
with a smile
similar to the charming smile
of Our Lord.
Chant Hare KRSNA, that is ordained praise for this age.
Don't argue and debate with your neighbor, tell them your God is the Same.
Let Krishna purify your sinful shame with His Infinite Opulent Names.
Treat every person who seeks the Creator as a brother and sister.
Husbands look at all women as your mother and sister, for even a glance is seen by Krishna as disgrace.
How many of us want to live the right way?
Be humble and accept that it is only KRSNA who guides and shows the way.
Never argue with a Christian, for Jesus is Son of Krishna and Divine Representative!
Do not dare speak ill words against any of KRSNA's representatives, especially to sooth your doubt filled ego.
When you put another religion down it is to sooth your own ego which has doubts.
It is much easier to say we are right they are wrong than it is to Unite as One.

Speaking to Sri Krishna I say;
I would lay flat on my face in Your presence but You demand I stand to my feet and offer me Your company which is beyond precious.
From a young age You have watched over me.
Even in a foreign country I heard your name and felt the pull.
I didn't know You like I do now, I was a fool.
I don't know You like I want to so I will take the position of fool.
I can never Fully Know You, I would never attempt to.
Those fools who believe they will be as powerful as You Lord, they simply sink deeper into depression from the impossible effort.
These choice words for your service are my offering of devotion.
The daily fragrances at the shrine just bring me ever so closer.
The non devotee is confused at our relationship as I push You and Radha on the swing.
They don't know that we actually hear your sweet voice whistle and sing.
They don't know that for the Devotee with true faith You are a trusted friend.
I am spiritually married to You, my very skin is the ring.
I promise you Lord, this will not be a passing fling.
I know you require nothing but it is my actions and devotion through dedication that I bring.

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