Your Devotees See

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What a gift to know You Krishna!
I do not seek pleasure yet all I feel is transcendental bliss.

Millions seek earnestly and never get a glimpse yet You show me Your Forms and Visions so vividly.

When You leaned over my shoulder and squeezed me tightly tears flowed from my eyes and chills prickled my legs making them weak.

When You stood there in Your Four Armed Form I could only stare at Your Lotus Feet.
You told me to look up, into your Lotus Eyes.
Time stopped and all of the Universe's History flashed before me showing my place.

Krishna, who would believe me if I told them all the experiences we share as friends?

I don't want to make others jealous about our Transcendental Eternal Relationship but I truly desire that they all Experience this themselves.

What can I do when the people have their religions, given by You.
The people are so comfortable with the safety of the cultural religions they know, this only proves how powerful the fear of You is.

They do not want to fall from Your Grace for searching outside of their natural born religion, this is honorable to me as long as bigotry is absent.

Recognize that all religions recognize the same Primal Lord of All.
Wherever the Concept of God exists, there God exists.
The concept of God and God are inseparable.

There is only one seat on the Throne.

They hate me for my knowledge of You but I Love them FOR YOU.

Let me be Your arms and Legs.
Let me be your Mouth.
Let me lead all humans to God no matter what religion.

If only they knew You KRSNA, but that is not always possible due to the soul's position on the scale.

Your Representatives like Jesus are more than enough to liberate the people, if they would just follow His Teachings.

There are only two types of people on this planet;
Those who do God's Will and
Those who do their own will.

Let me do Your Will in Each Moment Lord Krishna.

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