❣︎Part 29❣︎

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(4 years later)
(Peter POV)

Me and Y/N are still together. Surprising right? You'd think she'd get tired of me. But no, we're so close we're practically an old married couple. Speaking of....


Me and Peter are hanging out tonight. But first, I'm going to talk to Harley. He will not call Michelle. Like, he'd rather die then talk to a girl. "Y/N I don't. Want. To. Call. A. Random. Girl." Harley says. "I thought you met her!" I say. "I have! But it was only once, and I've replied to her comments before on Instagram and stuff, but that's IT. Nothing else. She don't know me. She will be creeped out if I just call her." He complains. "Harley, I gave her your number. She KNOWS you're going to call her. She just doesn't know when. But it's going to be soon." I walk over to his night stand, where his phone was setting, pick it up, put in his password (all of the Starks phone passwords are 3000), open his contacts, click on Michelle, and hit the call button. "What are you doing?" He asks.

"Calling Michelle."
I put the phone on speaker and it rings. Then she picks up. "Hello?" I look at Harley, and toss the phone at him. He mouths I hate you at me. I gesture for him to say something. "Hello? Is anyone there? Y/N told me you might chicken out a few times when you call me." Michelle says. Harley glares at me. I hide a smile. "Uh, hi, Michelle." He says awkwardly. I face palm. "Hi, nice to meet you over the phone. Don't worry, Y/N has been nagging me for the past week to call you. I was going to, but that's a lie and I actually thought it would be awkward so I didn't call." She says. Harley laughs a little. "Yeah, Y/N is an absolute pain" He says. I roll my eyes.

They start getting into a conversation and I slowly back out of the room. Ha. I win Harley. Anyway, I'm heading out to meet Peter now. He's in the workshop with Tony. "Hey." I say as I walk in. "Hey! Y/N, can I have that wrench over there please." Tony says cheerily. I grab the wrench from on top of a tool box and hand it to Tony. He's working on his old Iron Man suits. He swears up and down that he's "retired" from the Avengers, but he still goes out to help them every once in a while. I feel arms wrap around me from behind. "Hello." Peter says and kisses my cheek. "Hi there." I reply. "Dad, we're gonna head out." Peter says to Tony. Tony looks up at us. "I'm sure you'll have fun. And some surprises." He winks at me. "What do you mean surprises?" I ask. "Nothing. Dads just a crazy old man who doesn't know what he's saying." Peter says hurriedly, pulling me towards the door.

"Okay that's offensive. I birthed you." Tony says. "You didn't birth me, mom did." Peter laughs. "You know what I meant. I was apart of the process." Tony replies. I waggle my eyebrows. "Yeaaah part of the process." I wink at Peter. "Oh god. No. Stop." Peter says dramatically. Tony laughs. "Alright, skidattle you love birds." He makes a shooing motion with his hands. Peter takes my hand and we head out. He brings me up to the small, almost attic like top floor of the tower. "Okay close your eyes." He says. "Again? Did you do some big fancy set up? Because you didn't have to do that crazy." I laugh. "Oh no you'll like this way better. Trust me." He says. I close my eyes and he takes my hand and leads me to the little stair things that go up to the attic room (sorry I suck at explaining things rip XD). We get to the top and Peter helps me up inside. "Now, open." He says excitedly.

I open my eyes.

There's an amazingly cozy looking tent set up, with fairy lights and everything

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There's an amazingly cozy looking tent set up, with fairy lights and everything. "Oh my god. You truly get me." I say. He laughs. "Good thing I wore comfortable clothes." I laugh. I run and hop on the little mattress. Peter does the same. I sigh. "Ah, the perfect set up. I'm never leaving this room again." I say. Peter smiles and shakes his head. I cuddle up next to him and we watch a movie, but we talk more then we watch. We talked for like an hour. "We should go up to the roof. I bet it looks pretty up there right now." Peter says. I agree and we head up there. We get there and I go straight to the edge and look down at the city.

-And it made me think. Life is amazing. Yeah you go through things, and yeah it's hard, but it's all worth it. I may have lost my family, but also found a new one. I found a new home. I found a new person that I love, and I get new feelings for him everyday.

And I miss my mom, but I also found a new contentment in knowing that's she's looking down on me,- "Y/N." Peter says. I turn around. He's down on one knee. -yeah, my mom is looking down on me for sure,-
"Will you marry me?"
-and she's proud-


Y/N's engagement ring

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Y/N's engagement ring

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