Chapter 2

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Perfect was an understatement of this castle. Every moment we were pampered by Spriggans, Fairies, or one of the many human maids. Bells and Kat did everything they could to make us feel at home.

They painted our rooms pink and the furniture white. Mari's room was gold though.

The five of us loved the castle. Aria was pampered like a god by the fairies since she was a Nymph. Camelia went everywhere with me and I didn't mind. I felt like a lost puppy without her.

"Aren't you awake yet?" I asked as I ran my fingers threw her long silver hair.

"No. I'm still sleeping." Camelia answered, her eyes still closed. Her head was resting against my collarbone. Her body was so warm, as are most dragon's, but her's just fit so right.

"Oh? I guess I'll let you be then."

"Thank you." Her arms tightened around me lovingly. She enjoyed being here just as much as I wanted her here.

Just wake her ass up. Nokiya's voice rang in our heads, getting Camelia to growl.

That was the downside to having a twin for a wife. You had to deal with the other sibling's thoughts too.

Our bond wasn't as strong as our vampiric counterparts, but I guessed it wasn't too bad. I didn't mind it. I know I definitely didn't want to know when my sister was going down on her wife.

Poor Kira and Aviri.

Mind your own business Nokiya. I'll sleep all I want. Camelia retorted.

"I don't think so!" Nokiya barked as she grabbed Camelia by the legs and dragged her towards the end of the bed, getting her to yelp in surprise before snarling like a rabid animal.

"How did you even get in here?" Camelia yelled as she kicked at my sister.

"I used the door." She answered.

"She has legs Camelia." I added.

She turned towards me and growled but before she could say anything Nokiya grabbed her by the waist and pulled her down. I pulled myself up to I could watch my sister wrestle with Camelia.

Much to my sister's disapointment, (and my luck) Camelia was flexible, and practically wrapped her body around Nokiya's before twisting around, somehow getting onto her back, where she gripped her in a hammer hold.

"You gonna choke me out?" Nokiya growled as she pulled on Camelia's arm, trying to free herself from my love's grasp.

"It wouldn't have come to this if you didn't wake me up!" Camelia retorted.

Nokiya's face started to turn red and I could tell she was struggling. Even though she was stronger than Camelia, she could do nothing to stop the smaller dragon whilst in this position. Nokiya's strength counted for nothing.

"Can you guys cut it out?" I rolled my eyes. "Be mature about this."

"Mature? We don't have time to be mature." Nokiya snarled.

"You should try it sometime!" Camelia barked.

Nokiya used all her weight to force the two of them to roll. This meant that my lovely Camelia was now pinned between my sister and the bed. Luckily Nokiya was on her back otherwise I would have gotten upset.

"Akiya! You get your heavy sister off me!" Camelia snarled before pressing down on Nokiya's neck getting a comical choking sound out of her.

This was even more awesome because Camelia was only wearing short-shorts and a spagetti-strap tank top. And seeing as Nokiya was my twin, it looked like I was watching a dream or something play out.

Except Nokiya only swears when she's frustrated.

And her language was very colorful.

"Don't have those thoughts about us you creep!" Nokiya growled. "Or I'll stab your wife with my wings!"

"I'm petri- ow! I'm going to strangle you!" Camelia growled before crushing down even more, choking my sister.

They were honestly the two most important people in my life.

But for fuck sake.

I pushed the two of them off the bed getting them both to squeal before the loud thud was heard.

"I hate you!" The two of them shouted. I rolled my eyes then leaned over the side of the bed to see that instead of strangling each other they were now sprawled out on the floor on top of each other.

"Are you done?" I asked.

They nodded.

"Good. Camelia, would you like to go back to bed?" I asked.

"Well I'm awake now!" Camelia barked as she pushed Nokiya off her and picked herself up.

"We can have sex instead if you want." I offered.

"Not with me here!" Nokiya yelled.

"Its our room!" Camelia retorted before looking at me. "And no! You don't get sex because you didn't help me!"

"Don't be like that." I smirked as I lay on my side and watched her as she started changing, regardless of me watching or Nokiya on the floor.

"You don't deserve it!" She barked again.

"You're already giving me a show love." I offered, only to receive a pillow to the face with the same amount of force as a truck. "Ow!- mmmph!" I was interrupted by her straddling me, and the same pillow being crushed against my face.

I struggled and flailed, knowing she would be perfectly okay with killing me.

Help! If I die then you die too! I shouted to Nokiya.

I heard her groan before the weight was lifted from me and I tossed the pillow aside just in time to see Nokiya tackle Camelia pinning her to the bed beside me.

Did I really want to get involved?

I wrapped my arms around Nokiya's waist and pulled back, lifting her clean off the bed before depositing her back in the pillows. She growled and grunted trying to pry my grip off but was unsuccessful in the endeavor.

"Camelia pin her for a sec." I called. Camelia came over and straddled my sister.

"What are you do- NO!" She screamed as I began my vicious tickle assault.

She tried to kick and punch but Camelia's position once again nullified her strength. By the time I stopped tears streamed down Nokiya's red face as she tried to catch her breath.

"You gonna behave?" I asked.

She nodded vigorously, unable to use her voice. Camelia rolled off with a smirk before patting Nokiya on the back.

"I hate you guys." Nokiya grumbled into the matress.

"We love you too." I answered.

Nokiya got up with a groan. "I'm going to breakfast. Get your shit together and lets go."

"We'll be down shortly hun." Camelia smirked, getting another growl from Nokiya before she left the room and slammed the door.

Just as I was about to get up, Camelia wrapped her arms around my neck gently, pulling me back.

"They can wait a few more minutes." Camelia whispered into my ear.

"I thought you said I didn't deserve it?"

"You've redeemed yourself lokaal." She purred. I turned around and locked my lips with hers before pressing her down into the matress.

Talk about a good morning.

I was told that I could be a serious cock tease, so I thought I'd set you up with another. You're not welcome?

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