Chapter 16

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My mothers always told me life was a precious thing.

But right now I wanted to punch a hole through Aviri's head.

If she hadn't tried to in force her will on my thoughts, our minds wouldn't have connected and I wouldn't have seen the image on the for front of her mind. Not only that but Kira and Alison came running down the hallway.

Just before I could shout, Kira grabbed Aviri by the throat, slamming her back against the wall behind her. "Why Aviri!" Kira roared. "Why must you keep hurting yourself!?"

As if to make it worse Nokiya and Aria came running down from the other end of the hallway. "Kira relax!" Nokiya called as she put her hand on Kira's shoulder, only to have her shake it off.

"Relax?! How can I relax?! Part of my life was a fraud! Created by my sister's desire to constantly hurt herself!" Kira bellowed.

"Kira, you need to calm down." Alison said.

"Mom, its not like Aviri can run away from you." I offered.

Kira's eyes burned holes into Aviri's but the twins just stared each other down as if daring the other to attack. Kira released Aviri and stepped back. "Tell me why." Kira ordered.

"Why what?" Aviri asked, still holding her glare.

"Don't give me that shit!" Kira roared. "You torture and torment yourself, and for what?! Nokiya could have gone the rest of her life without knowing, and it would have made no difference! But you had to tell her so you could suffer!"

"Like when you told us you were left handed. But you aren't because Kira isn't!" Alison offered.

"I am! Just because we're twins doesn't mean we're identical." Aviri retorted.

"We are identical you dunder head!" Kira roared. "If you think I'm wrong, then write your name with your left hand!"

"That's not the point!" Aviri growled.

"Yes it is Aviri! Why do you have to suffer so much?" I asked.

"It doesn't make sense. What reason do you have to hurt yourself so much?" Nokiya added. "I don't care about what once was because that can't change, but you're either purposely trying to hurt yourself, or those around you. Why?"

"I'm not-"

Kira grabbed the front of her shirt, slamming her back into the wall again. "Don't you dare lie to my face!"

"What did you see?" Came a voice I hadn't heard in a while. We all turned our heads as Kronos walked over.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Aviri answered as Kira stepped back so Kronos could step towards her.

"I can see it in you're eyes." Kronos answered. "What did you see?"

Aviri looked like she was ready to keep denying everything. But then she sighed. "I saw myself... Sitting on the throne... I was cruel and so filled with hate. I wanted to kill, and just keep killing for as long as I could."

"Who showed you this vision?" Kira asked. "How did you keep it from me?"

"I am good at keeping my thoughts from your's. It was Peredite who showed me."

"Peredite can't-" Kira started.

"The Zealot can." Kronos interrupted. "Peredite is more powerful than Rose, and the Goddesses."

"That's impossible! Quit your nonsense Kronos, or I'll skin you alive!" Kira growled.

"Mother, calm yourself!" I sighed.

"Peredite is filled with and able to control and manipulate raw energy- the force that makes up everything. She can change elements, time, and reality at her will." Kronos explained. "Rose kept her alive, because there is no malice or hate in her at all. She is made up of pure kindness."

"And you didn't tell us?" I asked.

"You did not need to know, and mother told me not to tell." Aviri explained.

"You told me." Nokiya offered.

"A couple minutes ago." Aviri glared.

"Even still." I rolled my eyes. "It doesn't explain why you hurt yourself."

"If I make myself sad, then I cannot hate anyone else." Aviri answered.

"No, but you'll hate everyone and everything instead." Aria explained.

"Not to mention we all know that we cannot change the future." Alison added.

"Yes you can." Kronos answered. "But not inside of time."

"What do you mean?" Kira asked.

"If you remain in the same fragment of time, eventually the future will come, and you can't stop it. But if you leave that fragment and go to another, you can change what happens." Peredite said as she walked over, taking Aviri's hand in her... Claw.

"So time travel?" I offered.

"Exactly." Kronos nodded.

"How many times have you taken Aviri back?" Kira asked as she glared at Peredite as if it was her fault.

"Too many." Aviri answered.

"Well it stops now!" I growled. "You will let time go on however it wants to. If you become a horrible ruler, either Peredite will save you with her powers of reality, or I'll kill you myself." I told her.

Although my words sounded harsh, the smile on Aviri's face told me she understood the meaning..

That future would not come to pass, no matter what.

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