Chapter 10

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here u go a new chapter



*Nialls POV*

today we decided that the first thing we would do is go to wildlife park and aqurium on darling harbour.

so i woke up and for once i wasnt the first one awake, i was the last.

"im hungry" i moaned

"breakfast is coming Niall" madi said smiling at me "be calm"

i laughed, thats typical her.

turns out she was making breakfast.

"mmmmm fis is hood" i said with my mouth full of food.

"what Niall?" she asked "and dont speak with a mouth full of food."

"i said this is good" i told her laughing.

the others joined in.

i ook another mouthful of food and chewed it with my mouth open just to annoy her.

"NIALL!" she exclaimed "DO YOU HAVE NO MANNERS?"

i just swallowed and laughed even harder.

i had missed these playful times with her

"so whats the plan for today leeyum?" i asked knowing he would have each day planned out to the minute.

"wellllllll" he said carrying out the 'L' !i was thinking we could go to the wildlife park and the aquarium at Darling Harbour."

"yay!!" madi shouted along with Jordan.

"well then lets get ready to go then" liam laughed.

so we all rushed around the room while the girls made their way back to their room.

i got ready and had the first shower with the boys telling me to hurry up.

i got out and made my way to my room.

i got ready and went to wait in the lounge.

the girls walked in about 5 mins later.

¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬30 mins later¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬

everyone was finally ready and we raced for the door.

i felt madi tense up as we made our way past the screaming fans and papparazzi.

we dived into the car and drove off.

we arrived at the aqaurium and went in there first.

there were so many differetn fish and sharks and stingrays and it was amazing.

we had lots of fun and spent about an hour and a half there just looking at the fish.

we walked to the wildlife park which was just around the corner. it was all inclosed so it was pretty cool.

the first thing we saw were turtles, which liam went mad over.

"turtles aww there soooooo cute!!" he was saying over and over again.

he made us stay and watch turtles for about 15 mins

finally we got to move on and saw koalas that were up in there trees sleeping, i liked them but there claws looked sharp

we got the chance to have our photos taken with the koalas which all the other boys loved but it kind of terrified me so i didnt have a picture taken.

after that wwe saw big massive snakes and then we went to look at wallabies which are apparently native to Australia.

we went on to see a bird called a cassowarie which are apparently the deadliest brid in the world. i got away from there pretty quickly.

next we saw kangaroos which are just like a wallaby except bigger.

then we saw emus and a giant crocodile and apparently he can grow even bigger than he already was.

the crocodile was the last thing so we exited and made our way into the fresh air.

i looked at my watch it was 1:30 already.

"im hungry" i groaned again.

"of course you are" madi said hugging me.

i hugged her back. she is looking really pretty yet casual today.

"hey i know a good place to eat" steph said "theres a really nice pancake place around the corner, lets go there"

so we went to the pancake place and i was in heaven, they had very type of pancake you could dream of.

i got a chocolate one and a strawberry one.

the others got chocolate and caramel and strawberry and Zayn got a savoury pancake with bacon and eggs.

we sat there for an hour just eating and talking and having fun.

we made our way back to the car and headed to the hotel.

we were all so tired and we just crashed on the couches in our room.

we woke to a knock at the door.

 i looked at the time 4:30.

"boys" i heard Simons voice. "you have a rehearsal at 5:30 so hurry up and move you lazy butts."

we all laughed and got ready to go.

we made our way to the car and drove to the stadium to rehearse.

after 2 hours of practicing we drove back to the hotel and ordered room service.

we all pigged out and had a laugh until the girls said they had to leave at about 10:30.

so us boys kept on having fun until midnight when we all fell asleep.

ahh it was a fun day.

hey guys sorry for the boring chapter

even i didnt like that but oh well :)

im going to go make cupcakes now so cya


luv ya


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