Chapter 13

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*stephs POV*

i woke up in . . . . Liams room? oh thats right.

"Liam, Liam wake up" i whispered in his ear. No response.


he jumped and fell out of bed, i just laughed, serves him right.

"what do you want?" he groaned getting up off the floor. "wait why are you in my room?"

"i fell asleep in here last night" i told him blushing.

"oh yea thats right" he said.

"well no one else is awake" he said checking out the door. "so what do you feel like doing?"

"watch a movie maybe?" i asked.

"sounds great!" he said happily "lets watch toy"

i interrupted "anything but toy story."

he gave me the puppy dog eyes "no Liam, dont give me that look."

i had to look away. i made a decision "we're watching the hunger games"

we snuggled down under the covers and started the movie.

i felt him looking at me and so i rolled over and looked at him

"yes?" i asked.

"your beautiful, did you know that?" he told me.

i blushed.

"im not that beautiful." i said before ducking under the covers.

"steph get out from under the covers right now!" he told me

i wouldnt i didnt want to back up there again so i crawled to the very bottom of the bed and hid in the corner.

"stephanie" i could hear the warning tone in his voice.

i felt the sheets suddenly tugged away from me. they all fell away leaving me sitting there hunched up looking like an idiot.

"steph look at me" i heard lima plead.

i wouldnt though.

i felt something under my chin and next thing i see are his beautiful brown eyes.

"steph you are beautiful just the way you are and thats why i love you." he said looking straight into my eyes.

he suddenly bent down and his lips crashed against mine. we kissed, our lips worked in sync.

" i love you to Liam james Payne." i whispered as he bent down for another kiss.

*Harrys POV*

Im not a player and yet everyone thinks i am.

and now everyone else has a girlfriend except me and im left all alone.

Niall and Liam got to bring their girls on tour and Louis Brings Eleanor sometimes.

when i meet sofie i thought we had something only to find out thtat she actually has a boyfriend and i only found that out when i asked her to come on tour with us.

i feel like ive had my heart broken.

i think im starting to like Jordan but inkow that zayn likes her too so i dont know how we're gonna figure this one out. Tic tac toe maybe?

But im going to tell zayn that i like her and maybe then we can sort something out between us.

i think i might tell him now.

*Zayns POV*

*knock knock*

"come in" i shouted.

"hey zayn" i heard harry say.

i was lying on my bed and sat up.

i saw him come in and sit at my desk.

"vas happenin haz?" i asked.

he looked sad. "zayniknowyoulikejordanbutilikeheraswellandimsorry"

i couldnt understand a word he said "hary could you say that again slowly this time please?" i asked

he started again.  "zayn i know you like jordan but i like her as well and im sorry"

i just stared at him, he knew i liked her is it that obvious?

he started to look uncomfortable.

"look im really sorry zayn but i just cant help it, its not my fault, you know how love is, you just fall into it."he said looking genuinely upset.

i gave it a minute to think it over before i replied,

"harry its ok, its not your fault, i forgive you." i said looking at him.

he broke into a big smile.

"thanks mate" he said giving me a big hug. "but how will we work it out?" he asked looking scared again.

i cant beleive i was going to say this but here goes nothing.

"you cant tell anyone else this zayn but i think im in love with Perrie" i tod him blushing.

"Perrie?" he asked "from little mix?"

"yes thats the one, but please DO NOT TELL ANYONE" i told him giving him a hard stare "got it?"

"yeah i completely understand, but does this mean i can ask jordan out?" he asked.

i didnt know how to reply to this one, i still liked her alot but maybe since there was perrie now he could ask her?

"sure harry its fine" i said glumly.

"are you sure?" he asked again "cause you dont look very happy"

"nah its fine" i told him putting on a fake smile.

"thanks heaps Zayn, your the best" he smilied as he exited the room.

suddenly i heard a yell "boys concert is in 2 hours so be at the stadium in 10 mins.

that got me moving.


sorry guys that was bad but still hope u enjoyed it

luv ya


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