Part Thirty

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Honestly, he never would of thought that her mate would be a-- well, taller being. He always imagined that her mate would be somewhat short, and similar looking to her own species. But, he often forgets that this kingdom allows different species to intermingle and marry whoever they wish. Hudson still felt slightly weird about that. 

He also couldn't believe that Cecily's mate was also in the military as well. Perhaps, he was of a high rank too? He slightly hoped he wasn't so he didn't have to see him often. It was already difficult to look him in his big eye--Hudson can't even talk without feeling weird towards him. His stomach feels queasy, and his chest hurts; almost like a sickness has been brought upon him or something. Hopefully he's not becoming ill.

There was a giant cough coming above him.

Hudson blinked, startled, and glanced up towards Arom.

...Right, he had forgot to reply, didn't he?

Hudson coughed, rubbing the back of his neck, "I..I'm sorry. It seems to appear that I am not feeling so well."
Arom looked down at Hudson, "Waz it those idiots makin' ya feelin' sick? Don' let 'em get the best of ya'."

Hudson shook his head, ruffling some of his feathers, "No, they were an annoyance, but they did not disturb me. I suppose I'm just feeling...nervous."

Arom chuckled, the sound booming and shaking the ground. Hudson wobbled, trying to remain steady at the sudden movement.

"Don' worry about it. Youz will be fine, yeah?" Arom said, as he offered a grin.

Hudson give an awkward smile, nodding his head. Not being able to look at Arom long enough,  he looked away towards an area of lower rank guards sparring. He was feeling awkward by the moment, not knowing how to talk to Arom, especially with the thought of the wedding of him and...Cecily. The weird feeling in his stomach returned full force, causing Hudson to make a weird face. Again?

Maybe, it's just the idea of them being two different species and getting married that bothers him so? It is a strange idea to hear of, after all. But, such a thing shouldn't bother him so much. Perhaps he should ask Armo some questions to help pacify his thoughts.

Trying to quickly conjure a thought, Hudson looked around until something popped up. He could probably ask  Arom when the wedding will take place! He doesn't recall Cecily ever mentioning of a ceremony between those two in the near future.

"Arom," Hudson gather the courage to look at him, despite his protesting stomach, "when is the ceremony between you and Cecily? I have not heard a word."

Arom hummed, thinking for a moment, "Wez really haven' decided yet. Cecily's been mor' focused on this 'ere kingdom."

With that, Hudson appeared confused. Arom noticed the look, and elaborated, "Yeah, shez been busy wit' all of her workin' and focusin' on the future of the kingdom. Somethin' about fixin' some neighborin' treaties. I don' know alot m'self."

Ah, Hudson nodded his head. He had a feeling of what he was talking about. He recalled the first time when Elmarri and him stumbled upon the kingdom, meeting Cecily and Bawthos. They learned about the 'new' kingdoms history, and how it merged. He recalled how their former kingdom could merge with this one and be a one-united nation. He...doesn't really know how to feel about that.

"Listen, itz was nice meetin' ya," Arom's voice drew Hudson's glance towards him, "But, I gotta be goin'. The higher ranks be needin' me for somethin'. Probably, about youz joinin' us."

Hudson give a slight wave, his one eye focused on him, "All right. It was...nice meeting you, Arom."

Arom gave a nod of his own head, and moved past Hudson, with large strides taking him towards the front gate of where the higher ranks usually remain. Hudson watched Arom walk away, with a frown upon his face.

...The weird feeling was still there. 

With a sigh, Hudson turned on his feet, striding towards the necessary training area. After this, he should probably consider going to the nurser station and get checked out. He fears he may have contacted some weird bug, or illness that was lying dormant and suddenly pops up out of nowhere.

And if that does not work, he may consider going to Elmarri. She was a smart individual who could figure this out!  To him, she practically knows the whole planet on the back of her paw. Without her, they probably wouldn't even make it through the obstacles they had to muster through. Hudson had a small smile on his face, thinking about his friend and how grateful he is for her.

...He should pay her a visit soon, anyhow.

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