Chapter 5

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We arrive at lucky strike in twenty minutes. Me and Matt had already broken up it just didn't feel right to me. I told him and he said he totally understood I hope he's not mad though. Matt tends to hide his feeling a lot. We picked up all the other boys and Jess. We decided not to tell anyone since it was like a two day thing. I guess I will just tell my brother were over. Wouldn't you know it I look at the lane we are next to and there they are. My brother smiles at me i just shrug it off.

I keep glimpsing over at Jack I can't help it. Every time I do he's already there to catch it.(ok if you haven't been bowling the have separate lanes bet the chairs are like back to back so that is how there about to talk) "I caught that glimpse you threw across the room." He whispers in my ear sending chills down my spine "and not even a smile?" "We'll I guess you could say I'm cold hearted." I whisper back "we can do this all night." "Leave me alone please." I say a little louder than whisper. He smiles his signature smile and gets up to bowl.

"Bye Matt." I say dropping him off "bye Bella sweet dreams." (now at home) "I walk in to see Jack laying on the couch with his phone. "Hey." He says. "Hi." I say "why don't you ever have a conversation with me?" "Listen her honey I'm gonna keep things short and simple with you." "Aww so I only get a quickie." My cheeks start to get red "you know what I mean." "Hey it's better then nothing." "I'm done with you." I say going upstairs.

I had just washed my face and makeup of I put on a PINK night shirt and some matching booty shorts. I exit the bathroom to see Jack on my bed shirtless "what are you doing get out." I almost yell at him. "But-." "No Buts out now." "Fine." He says frowning and leaving. I walk downstairs to the basement to see the boys playing video games. I sit down on a beam bad chairs and speak "what do you guys want for thanksgiving dinner?" "Anything that good." JJ says "the basics." Chris says "I don't care." Jack says "I like all the food you make." My brother says. Oh i see he's kissing up to me. I just nod my head.

"Who votes note book." My brother says of course I'm the only one who raises my hand.

"Ok who wants to watch A Nightmare on Elm Street?" Everyone but me raises there hand. "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." I say they all laugh. Jack comes and sits right next to me but I don't move.

I wake up the movie most have ended and they must have started another one. I'm currently in Jacks arms I feel awkward but yet I don't want to move, but I can't act like I like him I'm not playing his little game."get your hands off of me." I say acting even though I knew what I was doing. "S sorry I must of fell asleep." "Whatever." I say getting up and going upstairs.

It is now 1:33 in the morning I can't sleep so I get up and go downstairs. I don't know what's wrong with me I feel bad about how I was rude to Jack,but I shouldn't wait should I. I go out in the kitchen and get some milk. I take a sip then spit it out I forgot I'm lactose and tolerant. "Are you okay." I hear someone speak. I see it's Jack "yeah I'm fine I forgot i didn't like milk." "Oh." He says chuckling a little bit. "But really what's on your mind." "To be honest I really don't know why are you up?" "I fell empty." "What are you hungry I will make you something." "No like I'm missing something in my life." "Wonder what that could be?" "Me to." He says

We are now downstairs sitting on the couch in silence. I hear his breaths and he probably hears mine. "Will you just lie with me?" He says "n- "please." I give in and lay down on his chest. He takes a deep breath he tenses up a little "hey calm down I'm not gonna yell at you again." I say softly and he relaxes a little bit more. I feel my eye lids gets heavier and heavier and I fall asleep.

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