Day 60

540 30 3

April 25th, 1940.


Dear, Harry:

I never told you this before, and I know there's probably not even a reason to mention it, but I've been watching one of our favorite films: "There's No Tomorrow." I know how much you really love that movie. It's honestly so incredible, and I really loved watching it with you every time before bed.

I remember convincing you to watch something else like "Phantom Wagon" or "Beating Heart." I mostly suggested "Beating Heart" because it came out on your birthday and it's also one of my favorites. There's still so much more films that I would really love to watch with you. I just hope you make it home for us to do so.

Thank you guys so much, for reading! I've come so far with this book and honestly wouldn't have thought of writing anything different. xX❤ I realized the film I had before "The 400 Blows" was a 50s movie. I didn't realize till now, so I changed it. I want to keep this book as 40s as possible.

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