Day 84

460 23 3

May 19th, 1940.


Dear, Harry:

As days, months, hours, and minutes go by, I can't help but think about how it would be like if we were still spending all of those together. I want to spend all of them together with you, but I know it can only take time until we can do that again.

It's been so long. So long that I can't even imagine what it would be like if you never came home at all. I wouldn't be able to handle that. I don't know how I would ever let myself cope knowing that you're gone. Every day and night, I just feel so lonely. The bed feels cold and empty without you. The couch feels empty without you because you're not here, watching comedies with me or romantic films.

It will never be the same if I lost you. Just please come home as soon as this war ends. I don't know how long I can go for without you. I just need you here to make me feel like home again.

Love, Louis.

Hope you guys liked this chapter!.xX

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