Day 56

585 29 5

April 21st, 1940.

Louis' POV:

I haven't written anything all day. I guess I've just been ignoring it. Though, my mind is more worried about something else. Someone, to be exact.

Eli. Even though he won't say a word to me, I can't help but worry. Sure he says he's fine, but I can't really believe that if he's acting like he's not fine at all; And I know he's not fine. I don't know if I should check up on him, or just shrug it off. I couldn't leave it alone. If something was bothering him, wouldn't he tell me? I am his friend after all. I know it's probably weird to have a kid as a friend, or bestfriend; But to me, I find Eli as just a charming and intelligent lad. If something's bothering him, I would of course worry and want to check if he's okay and ask questions.

I understand if he just wants to keep private, or be alone for a while until everything's alright. Thing is, I don't know if everything is alright.

I decided to just give it a go and check on him over at his place, and see what's going on. I am a bit nervous. I don't know what I was going to expect. I know it's probably not that bad, but then again, he wouldn't be closing me out if it wasn't.

I was about to knock on the door of his house until I heard what sounded like yelling. More like screaming.

They were speaking French, but I understood what they were saying.

"I work my ass off every single fucking day, and you don't ever appreciate how hard I work for you and our son!"

"Don't bring Eli into this! at least he helps me inside the house, unlike you who just sits around and sleep! you do nothing! absolutely nothing! you say you work your ass off everyday, but we still don't have enough money! no money for food, clothes, nothing! this dang war has gotten us broke! and you don't even care-"

"Don't you dare say that I don't care, Marie! If I didn't, I wouldn't be working so damn hard!"

I stood there in shock, as they continue to argue. So this is why Eli has been so down lately. His parents are fighting. I didn't exactly know what to do. I don't know much about his parents. I have met them before, and we greet each other from time to time, but they seemed like a normal happy couple. I didn't know if I should walk away or stay and somehow find a way to make them stop? I don't know much of what to do. I decided to just walk away and forget I ever saw anything.

As I began walking back to my house, I noticed a figure standing by the door. I immediately knew who it was. Eli. He didn't notice my presence until I was close enough to him. He looked up once he noticed me, but didn't say anything. I looked at him for a moment, not knowing exactly sure what to say.

"You don't have to say anything, Louis. I know what you're thinking." Were the first words I've heard from him in days.

"What am I thinking?" I ask curiously. I'm sure he knew, but did not want to make it seem like I'm thinking anything different if he asked.

"Just that my family isn't exactly as you expected. You probably thought that they were this perfect loving married couple that didn't fight, didn't yell at each other, and just act like the perfect couple everybody knows and loves. No matter how many times you see them, all loving, cuddly, happy. You'd think after knowing them for so long, you wouldn't think twice about closed doors."

I didn't say anything, just continued listening to him talk. "But..." He sighed, looking down.

"All that happiness. All that love you see. The love you think you see...behind it all is a dark sea of blue. A sea of blue so dark, only a magnifying glass will be able to see it. Why
because in your's blind."

And it was as if I had just been told a web of lies. I didn't know what to say, I was
speechless. I know he's just a kid, but I have never met a kid who was so sharp-witted, so intelligent and seemed to know almost everything. Even if he isn't supposed to know them. It's obvious his parents have been fighting for a long time. I don't know how long, but from what he has said, they have been acting to be happy for maybe the longest.

It's kind of scary because if you saw two people who were in love, or seemed to be in love, you'd think that they were meant for each other, and nothing could tear them apart; But once you see what's happening behind closed doors, you'd start to wonder if any of that was even real.

I shook away my thoughts, as it has been silent for a moment, neither of us saying anything. I let out a deep sigh, thinking of only one thing to do right now-and I did. I hugged him. He immediately hugged back, finally letting everything out. Letting out the sorrow, the pain, the suffering, and the silence. Not once did I ever think I would witness a child, so happy, so cheerful, suddenly break. I now realize, only a broken piece, no matter how broken, can hide within a smile.



Dear, Harry:

I wasn't planning on writing anything today. Not that I didn't want to, but because I had my mind on something. I was worried about Eli.

I don't know if you got my letters about him yet, but he has been acting weird. I know why now. I can't exactly say the reason, but today, I found out that not everything is as it seems. That not everything is perfect. Not everybody is perfect. That you can see somebody, but not know them enough to know what's being hidden behind their face.

What I learned today is that everybody has a story. No matter if it's perfect. If it is perfect, then it's perfect, but perfect doesn't come in the same path. Perfect does not have the same stories as you may think.

And love? it hides. Not everybody knows what hides behind love. Many things can hide behind love. Either happiness, passion, affection. There's more than just happiness. There's blindness, and we can't see through it because it's being hidden by a sea. A sea of untold truth. A sea so dark, only a magnifying glass would be able to see it.

Why? I can't tell you that, but I can tell you that it's so deep, you wouldn't be able to see it. Eli, he may be a kid, but he sure knows a lot that any kid wouldn't know. You may be asking me what I am talking about, and is probably confused reading this letter. If anything, I would be confused too.

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