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I couldn't wait any longer. This is the perfect time.

Eunbyeol, my childhood best friend whom I knew as a great sister, slowly became more than just my friend. I wanted her to be mine.

She is pretty, smart, kind and everything a girl could be. I went onto Kakaotalk and waited for her reply.

Hours and hours had passed. There was no call, reply or text. That was strange. Even her last seen was a day ago. Could something have happened to her?

Worried, I decided to go to see her myself. At Seungwan University, that's where I shall go.

Rip Hansol

Taeyong sat with Eunbyeol and watched her pick on her food sadly. Looking at her expression, he could clearly tell she was upset about something.

"Are you sure you're alright?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm fine." She lied, smiling weakly.

He sighed. How much longer is she going to continue hiding it? Grabbing her hand, he pulled her outside of the cafeteria.

"Ouch! Can you please explain what the hell was that for?!" She shrieked.

"You're the one that needs to explain! You haven't been answering Tsuki's messages and she's worried sick about you! And I mean really sick, she's down with the flu. Also, stop lying that you're alright when you're not!" He scolded, feeling frustrated.

Eunbyeol looked at him, stunned.

"Why...why are you getting so mad?" She asked softly, taking a step back.

Taeyong gazed into her eyes. He cared so much about Eunbyeol it made him feel...different.

"Because...because I care about you, Eunbyeol-ah. I like you, a hell lot. And I just want to be here for you." He confessed, feeling his ears burn.

She stared at him, shocked. Did he just confess to me? Her heart started beating really fast and her palms turned clammy. All of a sudden, she felt a wave of emotion swept past her and she started to cry.

"Why are you crying?" Taeyong exclaimed and wrapped his arms around her tightly, allowing her to rest on him.

"Thank you for being there for me, Oppa. I like you too." She cried.

Relieved, Taeyong closed his eyes and rubbed her hair gently.

At that moment, Eunbyeol spotted Hansol running towards them. She immediately let go of Taeyong and stared straight at him.

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