Chapter One

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A/N : Yeah. No prologue or introduction this time.

Read at your own risk.




A tiny squealing voice disturbed me from my peaceful slumber. But I decided to ignore it and get back to sleeping. I needed to get back to my dream.

"Wake up!!!!"

There goes the voice again, louder and more shrilling, totally making it hard for me to return to my fantastic dream.

I felt my hand being stretched and I had the sense that I was being yanked from the bed until I really did slid off the bed and dropped onto the floor with a hard impact.

"Ooow!" I wailed, hastily getting up to massage my hip properly. "What was that for?!"

With an aching hip, I used my other hand to rub my closed eyelids before I decide to fully open them. When I did, I see my 6-year old little brother standing in front of me with an angry look plastered on his face.

"What?" I questioned noticing the way he was glaring at me.

Edmund, the name of my little brother, folded his arms against his chest and puffed his chubby cheeks. "Don't what me! It's almost 7 in the morning!"

I raised an eyebrow at him while motioning to sit down on the edge of my bed. It's a Saturday and the last thing I want is to wake up early. I've had five straight days of doing that, but not today... not on a weekend.

"I know it's 7," I replied with an eye-roll. "And you interrupted me from my sleep. How am I supposed to get back to kissing Michael Clifford now?"

Michael Clifford, only the cutest member of a band that I truly and deeply am madly in love with. They're called 5 Seconds of Summer, and they're basically one of the best things Planet Earth has ever created.

My brother stared at me with wide confused eyes and a mouth opened in an O-shape. After he recognized the name, he closed his mouth, shook his head, and narrowed his eyes at me... dismayed about something.

"Mom!!!" Edmund began to scream with his head turned back to the open door behind him. In an instant, our mother appeared through the door.

"What?" She questioned, panting since she ran up the stairs to get here.

"Emma's being an idiot!" My brother scowled, stomping his feet and puffing his cheeks again. Mom gave him a scolding glare and I couldn't help myself from grinning.

Taking in my mother's appearance, I realized she was dressed and prepped for something. She was wearing her favorite blue dress with a round neck-line low enough to show off her collarbones.

Then it hit me. Something just clicked in my memory lane.

I slapped my forehead not-so-lightly and gasped. I literally did forgot! I blame Michael Clifford for this. He distracted me in my dreams.

Today was family day in Edmund's school. No wonder my little brother's glaring at me like he wants to burn me alive right now.

"Emma, dear, the family day starts in 30 minutes.... More or less. Your father's getting the car ready. Please get moving. Don't disappoint your brother," my mother says sweetly.

"Yeah!" Edmund stomped again.

I rolled my eyes and turned my head to mom. "Yes mom. I'll go get a shower real quick."

"Alrighty. And hurry up," Mom headed out the door leaving Edmund in my room. I glanced down at my brother, only to catch him sticking his tongue out at me.

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