Chapter Eight

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Our biology teacher, Mr. Riggs, had assigned me to do a little errand amidst a class activity. The class was grouped into two even numbers, and given that one student has to be taken out of the activity to make the groups even, Mr. Riggs chose me.

After going to the faculty office to place a pile of folders, which are our research homeworks, on Mr. Riggs' desk, I strutted my way back to class.

While I was halfway to class, the Janitor's room that I happened to be passing by, opened and I was pulled in.

I was about to scream when a hand clamped over my mouth, making my screams muffled.

"Sssh," a whisper in my ears as I tried to squirm free. "Stay still," another whisper. This time I recognized the voice.

I stopped moving, and slowly the hand crawled down and the next thing I knew, two arms were wrapped around me from behind.

I've managed to turn around, and immediately who I saw was a douche with gorgeous brown hair that smelled like roses or whatever flower there is that smells super good.

"Adams," I said nonchalantly. He moved backwards and the light seeping through the door from the outside, beamed on his face.

"I'm sorry about earlier... For being rude. I had to stay in character," his voice was sincerely apologetic.

I raised an eyebrow. "Stay in what now?"

"You know--" he shrugged. "The whole strict student council President act."

I gasped in disbelief. "Really??" I croaked in annoyance.

"I told you, I have a reputation to keep," he stepped closer to me and held my hand in his.

I pulled my hand away and turned around shaking my head. "I don't believe this!" I turned around again to face him with a look of displeasure written all over.

"Well then if you have a reputation to keep then I guess I'm going to have to say no," I stated peevishly.

I caught his eyes widened as he let out a sigh of disappointment.

"No?" He smirked wryly.

"Uh huh," I nodded, turning around to reach for the doorknob.

"W-wait a second," he grasped for my wrist then pulled me against his chest.

"Buzz off!" I scorned, pushing him away. "I have to get back to class."

With no hesitation, I pushed the door open and exited. I even hard-slammed the door shut just to give him a hint of how pissed off I was.

What a douche! I can't believe I was actually one of the lovestruck girls who was swooning over him before. I knew he was a player but this... This is just absurd. I'm not going to be one of his plaything. Nope. Not ever.


As always, mom and dad has to work late so it's off to the school bus once again!

Today would have been a good time to hitch a ride with Meg since I suddenly had the gut-feeling that I'd get kidnapped by someone again today. But I know I couldn't get in between Meg and her dad's bonding time so might as well just watch my back to make sure what I was thinking won't really happen.

And guess what? It happened.

"Let me go!" I was being carried over Ryle's shoulder towards his car. He forced me in, and forced a seatbelt on. 

He locked the door when I was about to push my side's door open. I glanced at him disapprovingly, to which he only responded with a smirk.

Sighing in defeat, I leaned my back to the seat with arms folded across my chest.

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