Chapter Six

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Instead of doing my homework, I couldn't really concentrate. I'd find myself glancing at my phone from time to time, hoping one particular notification would pop up.

I ignored Emma this morning and I really felt bad. I don't know why I did it but I did. It's just... It's just I got hesitant whether I should smile back or not.

I've worked so hard keeping my reputation to what it is now. But it's not like she's going to have a negative effect on my reputation.

Then there's my college application I'm working on. I wasn't planning to have a girlfriend, like at all. As I said, I'm all about humping and dumping and that's pretty much it. And they actually appreciate me for being like that, plus the part where I'm running for class valedictorian and I'm the school council President, who's also member of the school debate team, and part-time contributor to the school paper; not to mention I'm also captain of the soccer team.

Yeah I know. I'm pretty wrapped up in the moment. I'm a busy dude. Sometimes even I wonder myself how I do it. I guess I'm a highschool version of The Flash or something. Actually, I like to think of myself as more of a Spiderman.

You know what? I'd go with Spiderman.

I'm Spiderman.

Wait. What was I talking about again?

Oh yeah.

After abducting Emma earlier, I got her phone number. I chuckled shamefully to myself as I remembered the words I actually said to her.

I just realized now that what I said wasn't exactly romantic or anything. There was nothing sweet about it.

"I really want to be with you... That is if you want to?"

Ugggnh. I flopped my head down to my desk with a groan. After taking in a deep breathe, I pushed my body up again to take another glance at my phone.

Since I got Emma's number, I've been texting her more than twice. After the eighth message I sent and still no reply, I kinda gave up.

Maybe I was acting too clingy? Maybe she's still upset with me for ignoring her? What if she gave me the wrong number?

No. I refuse to believe it. I'm Ryle James Adams for crying out loud. No girl can resist my charms.

Or maybe that's what I think.

Damn it. I tapped my fingers on my desk, still having that wishful thinking her name would pop up in my notification.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door. The knock actually imitated the same knock Anna does from the movie Frozen.

"Who is it?" I yelped, not taking my eyes off my phone.

I could hear scoff and then, "Do you wanna build a snowman??"

I stifled a laugh as I recognized who the singing voice on the other side of the door was from.

"You can come in idiot," I chortled. Instantly, the door creaked open and Eris' head peeked through.

"That's not how the line goes," he beamed, pushing the door ajar for him to enter. Once he got in, he closed the door behind him and walked over to my bed.

I glanced towards him and noticed the transparent plastic bag with cans of drinks inside. He placed it on the floor before indian-sitting on the edge of my bed.

I rotated my swivel-chair around just enough for me to face him directly.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of such visit from such a dashing young man?" I jested as I leaned my back to the desk, my elbows propped behind me on the desk.

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