Chapter Fifteen

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Luckily, Meg believed me when I texted her that our plans to the library had to be cancelled since something urgent came up. Even more lucky that she didn't bother to ask what was the urgency I used as an excuse about.

I also texted my Mom to not pick me up from school because I'll be at Meg's house to work on some homework.

I felt bad about lying but I'm pretty sure this will only be a one time thing. Besides, since Ryle wants to talk, I'm thinking that this will be a good opportunity to rant out my frustrations to him.

He makes me so angry yet so giddy all at the same time it's starting to get annoying.

To my surprise, he took me to a large house. I instantly figured out it was his own. Oh my god he took me to his house!!!

When we entered, the house was quiet... More like empty. He walked up the staircase, dragging me with him. I caught quick glances on the picture frames lining up on the wall as we ascended up the stairs.

"Let's talk in my room," he told me. I had no choice but to accept.

His room was big too. He had TV inside and a personal computer. His laptop was on his messy bed. He even has his own bookshelves. I gawked around, one corner to another.

I knew he was rich but it still marvelled me.

"Where are your parents?" I asked, moving on from ogling at his entire bedroom. He walked over to his wardrobe closet and pulled out some clothes.

"Business stuff," he bluntly replied as he took off the shirt he was wearing. Out of impulse, I turned around blushing and breathing heavily. Although I was wanting to see his body so bad... his pecs... his abs... his biceps.. Gosh I'm blushing again just thinking about the image.

"So you're alone?" I questioned, my back still facing him.

"Yhup," he answered, and I felt his arms wrapping around my waist from behind. His chin rested on my shoulder.

My heart pounded faster against my chest. My entire body heated up to the point that even my breathe became warm.

He turned me around, his hands now rested on my hips.

"W-what do you want to talk about?" I said, trying to look past him since I don't have the strength to look him straight in the eyes. But even though I wasn't exactly looking at him, I could feel his eyes landing on my lips.

"You've been ignoring my calls Em," he said softly as he drew his head down closer to mine. I moved my head back a little to keep some distance between our faces.

I knew what he was going to do. As much as I wanted it to happen, I know I shouldn't let it... at least not right away.

But I was caught off guard when his lips landed in the front of my neck instead. He circled his arms around my waist and pulled me against him. I placed my hands on his chest.

He stopped and looked at me directly in the eyes. "You've been ignoring my texts," this time he was planting wet kisses on the spot below my earlobe. I threw my back as I let out a moan.

He stopped again and leered at me. "I missed kissing you."

Now his one hand tilted my chin to look at him. I felt his lips closed over mine, and he started kissing me-- soft and slow at first but it got rougher and hungrier within every move. It was kinda difficult to move in sync with him but I was trying myself.

He broke away. Both of us were out of breath. I could feel my lips swelling-- the great kind of swelling that is. And I noticed his lips were pink and swollen too, which was undeniably a turn on.

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