Chapter Eighteen

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After class, I secretly made my way to the back of the school's annex building which also serves as our computer lab.

Meg was curious where I'm off to this time and I had to think of a great alibi to tell her, especially when she started complaining how I tend to disappear to do something urgent every time school's finished. She also started ranting out how she sensed that I'm keeping secrets, to which I couldn't help but feel guilty because it was true. I guess her suspicion started when she saw me wearing the necklace that Ryle gave me, so I didn't wear it again the next day.

Anyway, this time I ended up telling her I needed to do a quick research in the computer lab.

But the truth was, Ryle and I had been meeting up at the back of the annex for the past week. By around 3:15 PM in the afternoon, there's scarcely anymore students within the area or near the area. So it was a perfect rendezvous for us.

Making sure the coast was clear, I hurried to the meeting place. I met up with Ryle leaning his back slouchingly against the wall.

"Finally," he grinned while straightening his poise.

"Don't go impatient with me Ryle. This isn't easy," I furrowed my eyebrows.

He walked towards me, grabbing me by the waist and drawing me to his frame. He went back to leaning his back against the wall, having me still wrapped in between his arms. My hands placed on his chest as I pressed myself against him.

Within a blink, his lips locked unto mine and started kissing me slowly yet enough to heat up my entire body. I started moving my mouth as well, exerting the same pace he was giving.

His hand crawled up to cup my cheek while the other went to my hip. My arms enveloped around his shoulder.

I partially opened my mouth, and instantly his tongue let itself in. Our tongues danced and we drowned into tasting each other hungrily. My head was in a complete trance that I haven't noticed one of my hand dropped down and subconsciously brushed his crotch. He let out a groan, breaking the kiss.

I was panting, and immediately realized where my hand was already. My mouth dropped in embarrassment.

"Oh my gosh! I'm... I'm sorry!" I stammered.

He chuckled and kissed my lips again but only for a quick second. "For what? For making me harder than I already was?"

I blushed and brought my hand back to his chest. He smiled and clamped his mouth over mine again. Our lips moved in sync, the kiss getting rougher and wilder in each move.

His hand, that was on my hip a while ago, moved up to my breast. He gave it a squeeze, making me moan in an out of breathe manner. From my mouth, his lips went down to my jaw, then to my throat-- sucking and licking, until his lips landed on my collar bone.

In one swift motion, he turned us around. This time my back was against the wall while Ryle was the one pressing his weight on me.

After a few more seconds, I felt his hand had reached inside my pants. My legs clamped together as I felt his hand stroking my underwear, his finger making circles on the fabric that's covering my sensitive part.

"You're so wet Em," he smirked underneath his breathe. His lips were sucking on one of my cleavage now. My hand was clutching a fistful of his hair on the back of his head, my lower lip in between my upper teeth.

Then, his lips moved back up to my lips and he started biting and sucking my lips hungrily like there was no tomorrow. At the same time, his hand had inserted inside my panties. When I felt his finger touched my entrance, I couldn't stop another loud moan escape my mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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