hate to see your heart break

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" she makes me feel so glad yet so sad at the same fucking time. "

" if she's making you so miserable, why stay with her still, rich? "

it was always like this. one day, richie felt so happy with betty. and the next day, he'd feel so miserable and hurt. of course, you wonder why richie still chooses to stay with someone who continues to break his heart rather than choosing someone who would never have the intention to.
who would that be? you.

about two months ago, richie happily announced that he was dating betty ripsom. betty? yeah, little-miss-perfect of derry high. who would've thought that the trashmouth would start dating her, of all people.

you, as richie's best friend, stayed supportive. although you knew richie was capable of ending a relationship in less than a week, you tried your best to be positive about him being in one. it somehow made you feel down. yet you didn't know why, so you didn't mind it.

a few weeks pass by and richie had been calling you more often. he'd talk about how happy he was to spend the day with betty.

that was only sometimes though.

he'd mostly call , crying , telling you that he didn't think he was good enough for betty or how he thinks no one will ever love him. and it broke your heart everytime. he is trashmouth but that didn't mean he didn't deserve to be loved.

" by the way rich, why do you call me? beverly would give much better advice. "

" i trust you the most. and i know that even if you didn't know how to help me, you'd listen. "

the only reason you never gave him advice is because you'd end up crying yourself. and you were scared that he'd think , you're giving him this advice in order for him to break up with betty and start dating you.

that wasn't the point, right? you didn't like richie. he's just your best friend. he's your close friend. he's your "platonic" soulmate. he's your shoulder to cry on. he's your favorite loser. and him starting to become distant because of this stupid relationship didn't hurt, right?

oh fuck.


it hurt. you loved richie with every inch of your being and knowing that he's with someone who doesn't fucking care if he's happy or not, broke you. he deserved so much more than that excuse of a girlfriend you call betty ripsom. what's up with her anyway? she's so fucking annoying.

richie's annoying too of course but in a cute way.

richie usually called during the night. but tonight, as you were expecting a call from him, probably sniffling and talking to you about how sad he was, the telephone didn't ring.

it worried you. what could've possibly happened
to richie?

you were panicking until you heard a knock on your window. you looked and saw him there. knocking on your window at 10pm.

you opened the window letting richie in, and he didn't look sad. he looked happier than he had been in the past two months.

" what happened? you fucking scared me, i thought you were dead or something. "

" relax doll. i just had to see you! "

" and why's that? you look all happy, richard. "

" yeah. no more dealing with betty-ugly ass-ripsom! "

" you broke up with her? "


" should i be happy— "


and suddenly, you felt happy too. it's as if every problem you've ever faced had been resolved. everything seemed so much better and you felt as if you could do anything.

richie's suffering was your suffering too. and now that he's happy, his happiness is yours.

" so what're you planning to do now that you're a free man? "

" well....I plan on going into another relationship actually. "

" jesus fuck richie? who's the hoe this time? "

dear god, you wished that hoe was you.

" well, it's this girl. and i've liked her for as long as i can remember. i don't know why it took me a toxic relationship to know that it is her i'm truly gonna be happy with. "

" does she like you back....? "

" that i'm gonna know. so, will you, y/n, be my girlfriend? "


you didn't know what to say. you've waited for him to say that for so long.

" okay forget i said anything. now i know i'm not capable of being loved by anyo— "

you interrupted him by placing your lips on his.
both of you having the same thoughts in your head.

what the fuck?

it didn't last long but it was long enough to make the both of you turn as red as tomatoes.

" yes richie. I'd be more than glad to be your girlfriend. "

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