chapter one

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Why the fuck school exists.
I mean, I have goals to reach and study helps me, but people in school are fucking nasty.
Just waiting to get out of hell, with, maybe a job.
"Stacey. Stacey! Your test." Stacey is my name. And that was my teacher calling me.
"Its an A. Keep going like this and you will 100% win your scholarship soon."
"Thank you miss Gashton" i said while I was returning to my desk.
"Oh look! A bitch! You went good with Steve last night? Or you were with Payton?"
"Fuck you Stacey!"
"GIRLS!" Screamed miss Gashton. She was mad.
"It's Stacey's fault! She started!"
"It's fault of both of you. Stacey go to your desk. Karen calm down."
Karen is the classic bitch of the school. Her grades are shitty and she's so fucking rich. Like she sleeps in money. I hate her so much.
"Bro it's okay calm"
"I'm calm. You should say it to Karen, look how mad she's" I said laughing.
Grace laughed. Oh Grace is my best friend.
I know her since we were born actually.
She's one of my two angel. The other angel is Billie. Billie Eilish yeah that famous ass singer. I don't know her but I fucking love her songs and her outfits. God she's so dope. I saw her in concert like four times? I actually don't remember it. Study is killing me.
Finally this class is over.
I was going to math class but someone screamed my name.
I turned away and rolled my eyes.
In that moment I saw my technology teacher. Technology is a class where you like study stuff about computers and programming. It's my favorite subject ever. That's what I wanna do. I'm studying for doing like music videos or that shit.
"You won!! You won Stacy!!"
I couldn't believe it. I won. I won the scholarship. I'm going to New York, Los Angeles and other amazing places to met producers. And getting a job too maybe.
When I got home I said everything to my parents and they were so happy for me.
The first flight for New York was two morning after. I was living a dream. And that was only the start of everything.

In Los Angels, Billie's point of view.

"Billie! Billie!!"
That was my brother, Finneas, screaming.
What the fuck he wants!?
"What u want Finneas" I screamed while I stopped the film I was watching.
"There's a girl coming on Saturday morning! She works with computers and she's touring and searching for a job!"
"Okay thanks for letting me know fin"
I honestly don't care that much. It's not my role deciding if she can get that job. It's my producers'.

While I was scrolling through my comments on my last post on Instagram I saw I cool one.
"fake tattoo for fake 18 years? i'm onto you bro"
A certain "Stacey Lave" commented that.
I liked it. Good one.

Stacey's point of view

A lot of amazing things are happening.
What's up! First time in life I'm living good.
Literally. I have no friends since a lot ago. The last time I remember I was this happy i was eleven.
My mom bought me a new computer and I was so fucking happy. There I realized that programming and that stuff was my way.
By the way I'm sixteen now. I'm happy right now and that's what matter.
I'm a classic sixteen girl who has a crush on Billie Eilish and who can't wait for her dream to start realizing.

one bed, two girls. // billie eilish Where stories live. Discover now