chapter five

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Stacey's point of view

I'm dressing up for the "date".
I've choose some cool pants with chains, and my e-girl t-shirt. I put on some chains and the white beanie with the blohsh symbol. I put some mascara on too.
I'm so anxious. It's 3:46 pm. Bil comes in 14 minutes.

A unknown number was calling me.
Now? Now that Billie is coming?
"Hey baby it's Billie"
BILLIE? How she got my number?
"I'm under the hotel come down" she said with a really sweet voice.
"I'm coming Bil"
When I went down I saw Billie with her car.
"How did you got my number?"
"Secrets girl. Secrets" she said laughing.
Yes. I'm in fucking love with her.
I got in the car with her. Her car is amazing.
The fucking dragon.
"Where are we going?"
"I don't know. Let's see when the roads take us?"
"FUCK YEAH!" I screamed.
"Wanna put some music on?"
"Yours of course"
"Ya so take my phone and put my cd on"
"What's the password?"
"Guess it" she said defiantly watching me.
"Guessed it. Is really that simple?"
"Of course man! I have a lot of things to remember and I'm scared to forgot my password"
I laughed.
"Oh and put your Touch ID too"
I put on the cd and the Touch ID as Billie asked.
It's official. I can use Billie's phone whenever I want too.
We stayed in the car and sang for so long and then we stopped to wait for the sunset.
That place was amazing and I decided to take a photo.

 That place was amazing and I decided to take a photo

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Los Angeles, Sunset

"Stacey I'm sorry I know you would love to go out of the car but paparazzi would recognize me"
"Bil, bil it's okay. I'm happy to be here with you. To watch this with you."
She was getting closer to me. I could feel her breath. We where about to kiss when...
My phone rang.

Billie's point of view

Fuck. We were about to kiss? I can't believe it. So she's actually not straight. Finneas was right.
Also who the fuck is calling Stacey at 6:17pm??
"Billie sorry its my mom, it's calling for the first time after I leaved home I have to respond"
"Of course baby"
She got out of the car, and honestly, I was sad.
Why our moms always call in the wrong moments? I mean. That was magical. Her lips were so close to mine.
Her beautiful rose lips.
And this sunset. The best in my life. With one of the best person I actually know. I mean,I don't know her so well but I'm already in love with her.
WAIT! I DIDNT ASK HER AGE!! Maybe she's older than me. Or younger.
Fuck. I hope she's seventeen. Or sixteen.
Also I asked her number to my managers. She gave it to them. And she didn't gave it to me?
Just kidding. She gave it to them for work.
"Hey Bil I'm back" she said while she was sitting in my car.
"Can I ask you a thing that I didn't ask yet?"
"Of course" she said looking interested at me.
"How old are you?"
"I'm sixteen, I hope it isn't a problem for you"
"A problem? Why it would be a problem?"
"I don't know because you asked me to hang out or shit.."
"No baby. It's not a problem."
I was so so happy. She's sixteen. SHEESH.
"Hey Stacey"
"You look tired. Wanna go at the hotel? We can eat something together but then I have to go home" I said. But I honestly would LOVE to stay all the night with her.
"YES. Damn. I'm so so tired. But I would love your company."
While we were going to the hotel we talked a lot. Her voice is relaxing. I love everything about her. Literally.

She's eating vegan. She's doing it for ME.
"I followed you on instagram"
"You hadn't done it yet?" She said ironically.
"No! Sorry queen!" I said ironically too.
"What the fuck a lot of your fan pages are starting following me"
"Ya, they stalkers or sum. When I start following someone, or like someone's post, they always find out in 000,0002 seconds" I said laughing.
"You have the best fans in the world"
"I do"
We were both smiling.
I can't believe I have to leave her now.
"Before I leave.. would you like to come with me at a party tomorrow night?"
"Of course Bil"
"I'll come to pick you up at... 9:00pm"
"Bye Stacy, see you tomorrow"
"Bye Billie"

Stacey's point of view

I can't believe Billie was about to kiss me and she invited me to a party too.
This is fucking crazy.

Bil just posted a story. She's home.
I'm happy she's home. I can't wait to see her tomorrow.

one bed, two girls. // billie eilish Where stories live. Discover now