chapter nine

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Stacey's point of view

Billie asked me if I wanted to go on vacations with her.
And of course I said yes.
We decided to go to Miami.
This morning I told my mom everything.
I mean... not everything EVERYTHING.
She knows that me and Billie became close friends and we wanted to go on vacations together.
She's okay with it and she's also happy that I found a person who I feel good with.
Not only as a friend buuut that's not important uh?

We are actually at the airport waiting for our flight.
Billie picked an exclusive airplane for us.
She wanted to pay everything.
I did not agree totally but anyways.
"Hey are you nervous?" Billie asked me while she was hugging me.
"A little bit. But I'm so so happy. To be here with you. That I'm living this with you."
Our airplane arrived.
We sat next to each other's.
"Are you girls best friends?" Asked a old woman that was sitting in the seats behind us.
"No. We're dating." Billie responded to the woman.
The woman seemed shocked.
"There's something wrong?" I asked.
"No. It's just so beautiful that two young ladies as you already find the love. I can see it in your eyes. You girls really love each other's and this makes me happy." The old woman said smiling.
We smiled back at her and took our hands.

Billie's point of view

When we woke up we were arrived.
She slept all the time over my shoulder.
Fuck! At the entrance of the airport were some paparazzi.
I don't want to get caught with my girl.
I'm gonna do a long turnover of the airport for catch our trunk.
When we got our bags we started running and tried to catch a taxi quickly.
We did that.
That taxi took us to the hotel.
Our room was amazing. We could see the sea.
We changed our clothes and went to the beach even it was 6:45 pm.
No one was at the beach.
We sat on the sand and we started cuddling.
A notification on Stacy's phone appeared and the wallpaper showed.
It was one of my photos.
"Oh sorry Billie if u want I'll change my wallpaper" She asked a little bit embarrassed.
"No. It's cool having your girlfriend as a wallpaper, uh" I said winking at her.
"I'm gonna put your photo as a wallpaper too" I said smiling at her.
I decided to take a photo of her now because the only photo of her that I have it's from the day of the party and I don't wanna put it.
Damn, she's so gorgeous.

Stacey's point of view

Before we went to the hotel for having dinner, I took a photo of the sunset on the sea.

Before we went to the hotel for having dinner, I took a photo of the sunset on the sea

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Miami, Sunset on the beach.

After dinner we went back in our room and we laid on bed.
"You wanna sing something with me?" Bil asked.
"Oh no, it's better if u sing"
"Come on! I wanna hear how you sing" she said while she was picking up her laptop.
"What do you wanna sing?" She asked.
"Okay! Mhh.. maybe.. we fell in love in october by girl in red?"
Why I am doing this?
I started singing.
Billie looked so surprised about my "performance".
"Stacy.. you have talent what the fuck"
"I don't" I said impassible.
"SHUT UP" she said laughing.
We started a pillow fight and fell asleep after 20 minutes.
Everything started in that hotel room.
Everything resolved in Billie's room.
And now we are sleeping in the same bed, hugging each other, again in a hotel room.
Always, one bed, and two girls.

one bed, two girls. // billie eilish Where stories live. Discover now