chapter eight

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Stacey's point of view

It's 4,30 pm. I have to go at Billie's house at 5:00pm.
She texted me her address this morning.
I put on a black t-shirt with long sleeves and with a write on it.
Then I put on my blohsh beanie. I was wearing it the first time that I met Billie.
I'm on my way.
I wanna forgot that party.
The only thing that I want is staying with Billie.
She makes me happy.

When I got there, Finneas opened the door.
"She cried all night. She's really really sorry."
"I know. That's why I am here."
I said with a sad face.
"Is the first time that I see Billie into someone this much."
"She never cried for her ex boyfriend. I swear"
I laughed.
Her house is so beautiful.
There's a lot of photos and family memories.
It feels like home. For real.
When I got in front Billie's door I knocked.
"Come in"
When I got in she got up from the bed and she started staring at me.
After a minute we hugged.
I needed that hug since yesterday night.

Billie's point of view

She's finally here. I can't believe it.
She's wearing her blohsh beanie.
She was wearing it the first time that we met.
She smells so good. And also looks so good.
We smiled each other's.
"I'm sorry Billie."
"You don't have to be sorry! It's my fault!"
"I just... I got so mad for no reasons. Like you were drunk as fuck"
"I shouldn't drink that much."
" I know. But now it's everything like before, right?" She said with her eyes FUUULL of tears.
Well, it's time for let them to go out.
"So" I said while I was sitting on my bed,
" I wrote a song for you."
"No you didn't" She said smiling.
"Girls i'm going out"
"Okay Finneas" I said annoyed.

Stacey's point of view

Finneas winked at Billie.
I acted as I didn't saw nothing. Shhh.
Billie started singing.
Her voice was angelic. Also the words of that song.
Oh my god. I started crying so much.

We fall apart as it gets dark
I'm in your arms in central park
There's nothing you could do or say
I can't escape the way I love you

Billie started crying too.
I hugged her.
She finished her song.
"Oh my god Billie."
"I love you Stacy."
"I love you too Billie."
We kissed. Finally.

Billie's point of view

Fuck! We finally kissed.
We laid on the bed and continued kissing.
She taste like.. you know when you eat something that you want to eat after a lot of time? The same.
There's no one home uh?
I started kissing her neck.
She took off her shirt. I did the same.
We took off our bra and..
I mean, you know how it goes uh?

Stacey's point of view

"Where I am?"
"Goodmorning beautiful" Billie said to me.
Why I was in laying in underwear in Bil's bed?
Oh fuck.
I stayed there all night.
Bil was in underwear too.
In that moment someone entered in the room.
"Good morning girl-"
She laughed.
She put a hand over her eyes.
"Girls dress up, breakfast is ready" she said while she was going out of the room. She was smiling.
"Bil your mom is okay if someone sleeps with you?"
"She knew everything. I like you since we met bro"
"Really? Because I like you since I started listening to your music."
"Okay okay, you won." She said laughing.
"Let's dress up now"
"Wait.. we have to cover our hickeys" I said a little bit embarrassed.
"You're right."

Billie's point of view

"Baby come here, there's a bathroom" I said while I was taking her hand.
"So, you actually have make-up stuff?"
"I do"
She doesn't see that I have mascara on? Lmao
I pulled out my corrector and I moved her hair from her neck.
I gave her a kiss on the neck.
"I swear it's the last" I said while I was putting the corrector on her neck.
"Billie" she said with a soft voice.
She kissed me. Again.
I'm so happy. 
I continued covering the hickey.
"It's your turn to do it on me"
She's really good at covering hickeys honestly.
"Let's do the breakfast now"

After the breakfast we went to work together and while we were in car she wanted to put a song.
"Of course baby, take my phone"
She put "My Kind Of Woman" by Mac Demarco.
She's really my love.

(you will find the song at the start of this chapter)

one bed, two girls. // billie eilish Where stories live. Discover now