The beginning

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My name is Liz Domínguez. I'm 16 but I actually skipped a grade, which means I'm in the same class as my brother, Samuel. I got another brother, Nano. He just came back from jail. They both are over protective, I can't do anything without them telling me not to do it. But I know they care about me, I just wish they gave me more freedom. It's just them, me and my mom. We don't have the money to pay a great house, great clothes and to go to a great school. Except for when my school collapsed. 4 of the students studying there got a bourse to go to Las Encinas. It is a school which has a great reputation: only rich people go there. We're not one of them. But Samu and I got the bourse. So did Nadia and Christian my two best friends. We were so excited, to meet new people, rich people, to see how rich schools looked like. Well we were disappointed, everyone is just so mean. Studying there is like a dream but making friends there is a true nightmare.

Lucrecia is like the goddess of evil, Polo and Carla are kinda cute but I know they're just like every popular person: mean. Gúzman hates poor people like us so he's a bit complicated to make friends with. His sister Marina is the only person nice to us. She is so sweet, I wish more students from Las Encinas were like her. And then there's Ander. He is a pure god, just handsome. He doesn't really talk to us. He just smiled at me during classes on the first day. That's the day I fell for him. You're gonna tell me I'm stupid, for falling for a boy I don't even know, and you're probably right. There's just something with him which I can't explain. It's been 2 weeks since we arrived at Las Encinas. We're the Elite, the generation of tomorrow.
By the way, tomorrow is Monday and we gotta go back to school. I am so depressed. I go to bed early so I won't be tired tomorrow.

I find Nadia on my way to school.
" Hey girl, I say after hugging her

- hey. Ready for another day of hell?

- it's not that bad... I mean, we study a lot better than in our old school.

- yeah I know but like, I just wished we weren't so different from the rest of the school

- yeah... I think they just need time to accept us, to understand that we're way better than us, I say while laughing. She laughs too. Why did you take your Hijab off? I ask

- they forced me to

- oh my god I am so sorry I know it is unfair

- no it's okay, really don't worry"  she answers.

We spend the rest of the time talking about work. She suddenly says:

" I don't understand Gúzman. One day he's nice to me, the other day he just don't talk to me during all day.

- yeah you know... men

- yeah they're hard to understand. So how's it going with Ander ?she asks

- yeah Er.... I think he just smiled to be polite you know 'Cause he hasn't spoke to me ever since, I answer

- yeah well he doesn't know what he's missing » she says.

We arrived at Las Encinas. I see Christian talking with Carla. I hope he won't fall for her, I have an intuition she's the devil herself. We go to our locker. I can see Samuel talking to Marina, I think he really likes her, and she looks like a nice person.
In class, the professor starts to speak :

" Hey everyone! I just marked your work, and I am very well surprised by some of you. First of all, Ander, who knew you could be such a good writer, what a shame you're not as good in maths as you are for writing. (Ander smiles, gosh this is so cute) Then, Liz Domínguez, you're one of the Elite and even though you arrived 2 weeks ago, you really have the same level than anyone in this class, you may be better if you worked harder, he tells me while smiling. Okay now I'm going to give out the other papers.

- Excuse me? Starts Lu, Why didn't I have 10/10? My writing was worth it!

- you know the rules Lu, it all works according to the curve. I think Liz did a better job than you did, but again, if you worked you may be better"  answers the teacher.

Lucrecia keeps watching me. I can feel her eyes staring at me, and even though I can't read minds, I know what she's thinking: I took her place as the 1st one.
I can hear her saying to Gúzman and Ander :

" I will not let this bitch take my place. I am sure she cheated because she knew she wouldn't have a great mark. I'm gonna prove this slut cheated. People like her can't get good marks like this.

- Er... excuse You? I say, I cannot shut up anymore. I'm sorry you didn't have the greatest mark, maybe you will for the next exam maybe you won't. But girl if you wanna survive in life you gotta learn to lose. You gotta learn to fucking pay respect to people. 'People like me' may not have as much money as you, but at least we're not hypocrite and we don't fucking insult people as soon as they're better than us. You may be richer, but I assure you, we got way more principles than you. Full of rage, she gets up, tries to talk but the teacher talks first :

- good speech miss Domínguez. But please argue later, you're in class right now."
Lu sits down. Gúzman looks mad, but for some reason, Ander smiles. I look somewhere else quickly before he notices I'm watching him.

On the way back from school, Nadia keeps talking about what happened this morning.

"oh my god she was so upset, I swear I have never seen someone madder than her in my entire life. But girl I swear she's gonna get revenge be careful.

- yeah well I'm not fucking scared of her" I answer.

Back home, I start listening to music. I was doing my homework when I received it. This fucking notification. The one that would ruin my life and make it better at the same time.

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