Chapter 5

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@ samudominguz : Liz where r u? We're looking everywhere for you
@ samudominguz : where the fuck r u?
@ samudominguz : cogno Liz what r u doing mom's gonna call the cops. I swear if ur with a boy I'm gonna kill him.

@ nanodominguz : Liz where r u!!! I swear if I find este hijo de puta I will kill him
@ nanodominguz : i know you're with him
@ nanodominguz : LIZ !!!

"Mierda ! I say while reading all of the messages I received from my brothers.

- you know I love it when you speak spanish, says Ander, his head in his pillow

- yep well my brothers are worried sick and my mom's gonna call the police" I say while smiling. I kiss him gently on the back of his head, jump out of bed, dress up and leave.

Once home, my mother yells at me, Samu says 3 sentences and Nano looks at me like he wants to kill me.
"you disappeared all night without saying anyone, I was fucking worried sick, says my mom

- yeah I'm sorry okay? Can i please get back to my room I got homework to do.

- this school is changing you. Were you with the boy who took you to that party? Damn Liz I hope you're not pregnant

- WHAT IS IT WITH YOU AND ME GETTING PREGNANT! It's not because I'm friend with a guy that I'm fucking gonna have a freakin' baby, I yell. Can you please let me live my life I can take care of myself !

- are you sure you can? Starts Nano. It didn't look like it when you came back drunk from that party! Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to do drugs at a party with so many boys?

- you did what? Shouts my mother. Oh my god, you are so grounded young girl I swear if you ever do drugs again I will kill you.

- please mom I know it was a mistake and I'm sorry but I can't be grounded right now. I need to go out with my friends!

- no you don't. What you need is to get a fucking correction so you will be grounded until I say so.

- I fucking hate you mom." I shout. I leave the room and go into my bedroom, slamming the door. I fucking hate my brother for telling my mom about that party. I fucking hate my mom for grounding me. But more importantly I fucking hate myself for falling for a dude I actually don't know at all.

The day after, at school, Ander comes towards me. He takes my hand and kiss me softly on the cheek. But I see Samu watching us, disappointed. I turn my head.
"Too soon? he asks

- no it's perfect, I answer and kiss him, we're gonna be late come on."

During class, he keeps watching me. He winks and blows kisses. I smile when I read the paper he secretly gave to me: 'can u please expose your secret and tell me why you're so sexy with this shitty uniform?'. I swear he's making my heart beats fast. I write down : 'Well yours doesn't fit you. I prefer when you're in ur underwear.' and I throw it to him. He laughs and Samuel rolls his eyes. I quickly stop to smile.

" So guys! Today we're gonna interact and debate. The subject is : Can love be fake?" says the teacher.
Of course it had to be about love.

"Come on don't be scared to speak up. Come on Liz, tell us what you think about it.

- this is gonna be interesting, says Lu looking at Ander. I blush :

- Er... I don't think so... I mean. Love kinda has to be true. Otherwise this is call hypocrisy or something like this right?

- well I do not agree, says a voice I immediately recognize : ander. I mean come on. You just gotta be handsome and pretend to be the type of guy the person you wish to seduce likes. It's that simple.

- I totally agree, says Lucrecia, staring at me.

- well maybe this can lead to true love then. I answer

- how can you love someone if you know he's manipulating you and changing you, in a bad way, suddenly says Samu.

- I agree. I mean. Everybody can manipulate anybody. I mean forgiving is one thing, forgetting is another, starts Ander

- yeah well forgiving may not change the past but can definitely change the future, I say

- once again, I disagree. This is some stupid shit you read in romantic stuff, he answers

- well maybe if you weren't so pretentious you would know that some things written in this stupid romantic stuff can apply to real life, and that people can feel things too. So yeah, I think real love IS true.

- first of all I'm so not pretentious, just realistic you know, (everyone laughs), second of all I don't believe in love.

- so you just here for sex eh? I ask, smiling

- oh. Kay. Guys that's enough for today, end of class, please read pages 35 to 45 for tomorrow" the professor says, embarrassed.
I see Gúzman saying something to Ander while looking at me, and then laughing with him.

I'm at the lockers with Nadia when I hear Ander behind my back. I look at him.
"What was that? He asks with a sensual voice?

- what are you talking about?" I say, smiling but nervous. He puts his hands on the locker, so I can not get away. He starts to kiss me, to bite my lip. Everyone is looking at me. Like really, really staring.

"Well done you upset me, now I'm gonna have to punish you" he whispers to my ear. And he goes back with Polo and Gúzman, who are watching us, amused.

I see Samu alone. I walk towards him.
"Hey... I start

- Liz why are you with him?

- So nobody wants us to be together right? Why? 'cause you care about me ? If you really cared about me, you would let me date whoever I want. Y'all say he's changing me. What if he wasn't? What if I always was like this and I just hid it because I didn't want to hurt you. He's the only person I can be my true self with Samu. He understands me.

- You better take care of her,  he says, to someone behind my back. I turn around and I see Ander.

- I will, he answers

- I see your point Liz. But please stay true to yourself." he kisses my forehead and walk away.

"Sooo, no one wants us together eh? Ander asks.

- I do, I say, looking at him.

- Er... You kept arguing with what I said during class... I'm quite upset... he says while smiling. (He pushes me against the wall and starts cuddling me.)
I mean... you have been a very naughty girl, he says while touching my boobs and pressing his erection on me, and naughty girl have to be punished" he says while suddenly putting his hand in my panties. I moan and look around.

"Oh... baby girl's looking if there's anyone around us, but don't worry even if they do, they'll just be jalous" he says while fingering me. My nails are seeding into the wall. He finally pushes me in a classroom and locks it. He pulls the curtains. He looks at me like a savage. I'm freaking loving this.

"so where do we start this punishment?" he takes his tie off and ties me with it to an office. He gets my skirt and panties down fingers me, licks my vagina and.. stops.

"Do not stop please please please please, I beg him. He laughs and says :

- I told you you had to be punished.

- please do not stop me from having an orgasm" I implore him.

He whispers to my ear : " see? That's what happens to bad girlfriends" and leaves. I gotta untie me myself. It takes me a couple of minutes but I succeed and puts my clothes back on. I go out of the classroom and walk towards him. I hand him his tie and say

" I still disagree with you". He smiles and kisses me. Then we spent the rest of the day studying in class and with his friends during breaks.

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